Just a quick reminder that the deadline for the exchange is in two weeks (Sunday, October 16th).
If you will not be able to finish your assignment, please tell me as soon as possible, preferably now. Even a pinch hitter needs more than a few days to write/draw something. If you drop out any later than a week before the deadline, you will not be allowed to participate again if there is ever a second round of this exchange. I know, that's not a big threat. But let's just say that dropping out later than a week before the deadline is just a really dickish, selfish thing to do. Every participant wants to receive a nice gift that someone else put some thought into. If you have to drop out, at least give a pinch hitter enough time to make a nice gift for your giftee, rather than something that was quickly done at the very last minute.
That's why I'd really appreciate it if every participant who hasn't turned in their assignment yet (i.e. most of you) would just leave me a quick comment on this post to tell me that they're still around and working on it. I'd just like to be sure that you haven't forgotten about the exchange and didn't just disappear into nowhere. Thank you. :)
Other than that, go be creative. Remember, the list of beta readers is
here. If there are any questions and problems, contact me.
One more thing I forgot to mention before: when you send your fic/art to me, please include a header.
Warnings (if necessary; please also warn for spoilers)
(Summary, if the prompt was very vague)
Thank you. :)
rachel2205 just pointed something out to me. I had no idea this could be a problem, but apparently it is: "I just ran a ficathon and a LOT of people are using new Microsoft Word which automatically inserts paragraph breaks. But when it's rendered into plain text those lines aren't there. So we had a bunch of stories where the paragraphs would not have line breaks between them. You might want to tell entrants to remember to hit return twice if they're using new Word even if it looks like there's a para break!!"