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You're hideous and ilu - and don't make me come down there Belltrap darkprophecies May 23 2009, 19:09:53 UTC
wadewilson May 24 2009, 01:44:42 UTC

Oh god, how old are you?


darkprophecies May 24 2009, 01:45:31 UTC
[She rolls her eyes at that reaction. Wow, this feel familiar.]

I am twenty-five, calm yourself.


wadewilson May 24 2009, 01:49:59 UTC
Then how the hell can you kiss like that and still not have had your depths plundered?


darkprophecies May 24 2009, 01:50:40 UTC
A string of bad choices in romantic partners.


wadewilson May 24 2009, 01:55:18 UTC
Wait... do you have some spooky magic kinks that send people scurrying away or something? Because if you do, you should totally go after Weasel, because he's game for just about anything pervy...


darkprophecies May 24 2009, 01:56:24 UTC
[She rolls her eyes again.]

No. I simply have bad taste in men and have made poor decisions that left me high and dry. I would be honestly surprised if that changed anytime in the future.


wadewilson May 24 2009, 02:18:16 UTC
Hey now, the fact that you're not tryin' to get all up on me means your taste can't be that bad.

All right, you said you've got some dudes you're moist for - tell me about 'em, and I'll tell ya if yer taste sucks.

Besides, I just tasted a li'l bit o' you, and you're totally delish.


darkprophecies May 24 2009, 02:19:39 UTC
[There's quite a bit of hesitation, however she smirks at his 'compliment'.]

I know the moment I speak the name of Spider-Man, you will scoff. That tends to be the usual reaction of males I'm not familiar with.


wadewilson May 24 2009, 02:37:29 UTC
Nah, that's normal. Lots of chicks are into him. He's an altruistic dork, but he can pull off skin-tight spandex and he's quick with a joke or to put out your smoke. He's got creepy friends, though - with hair that defies the laws of physics. Ain't he married or somethin'? Set your sights a little lower, since you're 25 and still need to get the training wheels off.

Who else?


darkprophecies May 24 2009, 02:41:38 UTC
[The smirk on her face only grows the longer he speaks.]

There is a man by the name of Malchior as well - he is much different than the usual men I am interested in. There is another by the name of Bobby Pendragon.

Harry Osborn?


wadewilson May 24 2009, 09:04:47 UTC
Malchior - awful name, sounds like a dandruff shampoo for vampires. He's out.

Pendragon - no relatives of King Arthur allowed. They carry medieval skank with 'em.

And Harry Osborn is just wrong wrong wrong. I've MET that guy - he was a brain addled nutjob BEFORE he got hopped up on the goofballs or whatever his problem is. THAT HAIR IS NOT ALLOWED TO BE A TURN-ON.


darkprophecies May 24 2009, 17:09:07 UTC
[She raises an eyebrow.]

So if I have heard you correctly - none of my potential choices are good enough?


wadewilson May 24 2009, 18:09:23 UTC
Hmm, yer right. You should probably just pick one of them to rut with to get the whole 'virginity' thing out of the way so it stops bein' This Big Thing. But NOT OSBORN. No Osborns - especially if you're into Spidey. That's just wrong, angling for that Devil's Threesome like that.

But fine, what's so 'derpy' about this Pendragon dork? Sounds like he could be a decent noble type...


darkprophecies May 24 2009, 18:12:54 UTC
... Was. Was into Spider-Man. The attraction is still there but nothing will come of such things - that is how it will remain.
What is the big problem with Harry? No-one feels the need to explain this to me aside from "oh he has a terrible father" - well, I do as well. I do not see that as a reason to avoid him.

Bobby? ... Well, he has this very near 'dorky' personality, he is very sweet and kind - regardless of the circumstance. He seems to want to understand me, even if he does not have to...


wadewilson May 24 2009, 18:50:10 UTC
Look, Osborn is batshit. It's genetic. I've MET the guy. He's a loopy moron and he's about as sharp as a stack of wet mice. I've known you for ten minutes and you're already out of his league. Plus, that unnatural hair can only mean bad joo-joo.

What's Pendragon's deal? Is the name a coinkydink? Does he fight crime, do card tricks, juggle flaming chainsaws, what?


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