Cobra Kai thinks I should get the bird drawing as a tattoo to cover up the 'kite lines' on my back. The Zoloft makes me dizzy and tired. We'll see how this goes.
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thanks :) and I know. I'm trying it out for a month. My doctor recommends it. It's been two days and I don't think I like it. It numbs my mind and stops me from thinking so much, which is good sometimes. I find myself having an anxiety attack and it kind of slows down, like i'm fighting it, but on the other hand I feel less creative and productive. I feel like it's making me stupid.
yeah I used to take lexapro, and at first I thought it was great cause it made me really numb to everything but then a few weeks later I was like what the hell? I would rather feel pain than not feel anything at all. yeah but try them out for a week then you will know for sure if you even want them.
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