"Cool whispers drift from the north on the night..." (Ike Yoshihiro)

Mar 27, 2009 16:13

Hello my beloved Lj-friends !!!!!!
One month since my last post, i thought i'll write something today, i'm in the mood. ^^

Recently here there's a cool wind through my window. It makes me think a lot : i spend my time zoning out from my homework (my final paper) , lost in my thoughts, not thinking of anything in particular, just imagining. ( Read more... )

driving lessons makes me go nuts, survive, malcolm in the middle, imagination, tohoshinki

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Comments 8

girlearthless March 27 2009, 18:09:10 UTC
I really like that quote. *_*_*_* The world would be a sad, sad place without it.

Good luck on your driving lessons! You can do it, + oil~ I also had a driving phobia (but not towards teachers, just driving in general) but I think once you drive more you'll feel a lot more comfortable. Ganbatte!


gormarien March 28 2009, 05:27:09 UTC
I agree.. imagination rocks !! ^^
Thank youuu !!! <3
I really like your icon !! ^^


princess_rei09 March 28 2009, 05:45:18 UTC
Hey sweets! I missed your post! :D
I totally feel you on that whole-driving thing D: My license seems to be all for show. lol. Anyway, good luck!

8Dv ♥


gormarien March 28 2009, 06:36:18 UTC
Hello !!! ♥
Thank you !! *_____*
How are you ?


niie April 4 2009, 20:53:07 UTC
Hai! J'adore ta citation *___* jolie elle est! ^___^ (comme je l'ai dit sur ton site) Il est tard, je suis fatiguée, je risque donc d'écrire encore moins en français que d'habitude, je n'écrirai donc pas grand chose :) ..... HWAITING pour le mémoire (tu vas y arriver!!!!!!!!!!!) et pour la famille arg! = mini société à l'organisation bien trop complexe à mon goût, en ce moment.... Mais je croise tous mes doigts pour que ça aille mieux!!!!!! Courage!!!
Et pour ma pub (lol) merciiiiiiiiiii!! mais ne t'inquiètes pas, hein? J'aime bien mes 2,5 lecteurs (toi et Gaël.... Et Jason à l'occasion) ^_______^ Ils me suffisent amplement!!! Bisous!!!!!!!! (aaah ben j'ai écrit beaucoup ><")


gormarien April 5 2009, 10:30:16 UTC
Merci beaucoup !!
Oui j'ai vu tes messages, lool j'ai bien compris le côté "fatiguée" effectivement mdr !!
Oh ben ce n'était pas que de la pub, c'est juste une conviction que ton blog est vraiment intéressant, pas simplement parce que tu es mon amie ;)
Hwaiting toi aussi !!!!


alecsa_chan April 5 2009, 08:21:57 UTC
Shaz!! I had a dream last night that you had deleted your LJ. :0 There were no entries anymore.
*huggles* How are the driving lessons?
I wish i had a car...and a driving license.
Owning a car is great especially when you go out during evening and then it gets dark. And scarry. Hwaiting!


gormarien April 5 2009, 10:28:59 UTC
Oh no i'll never delete it, don't worry.. it's my way to be connected with you !! ^^
The lessons are over since last week, now i am learning to drive my own car which is a bit more problematic since it's totally not the same way.. ><" !!
I agree... scary !!! xS


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