"Cool whispers drift from the north on the night..." (Ike Yoshihiro)

Mar 27, 2009 16:13

Hello my beloved Lj-friends !!!!!!
One month since my last post, i thought i'll write something today, i'm in the mood. ^^

Recently here there's a cool wind through my window. It makes me think a lot : i spend my time zoning out from my homework (my final paper) , lost in my thoughts, not thinking of anything in particular, just imagining. Imagination.... what a wonderful word don't you think ?

"My imagination makes me human and makes me a fool; it gives me all the world and exiles me from it" (Ursula K. Le Guin)

I totally agree with that quote. People even if they are poor or alone, they can survive and go on thanks to this capacity of imagining, of going everywhere they want, doing anything they want.
Recently i was in a very bad mood, i still am a bit (it will go away once i'll finish writing my damn paper). Everything was getting on my nerves, little things and big things too (family issues..).

Actually i had to take driving lessons again. I have a car you all know that but it's been two years i haven't driven so i couldn't just drive on the roads like that.. poor my fellow drivers ... .vo(^o^)ov... And the thing is since my last driving lessons, i developped a "driving-teacher-phobia". I didn't feel comfortable at all, i was scared, my first come back lesson was catastrophic, it was like i never had my license....
This had to go everyday for almost two weeks so when the night was coming, as i was watching tv, i wasn't concentrated, thinking of my upcoming lesson and i already was starting to be anguished.
Then, one afternoon, i was watching a Malcolm in the Middle episode and it was -surprinsingly - about driving. Malcom was so eager to drive and i was like "why ?".. then i thought "yeah well his car is an automatic" but i began to understand, driving makes you feel independant, as much as it's a pain in the ass, you can go everywhere anywhere whenever you want. I started thinking that it was originally for that that i passed the first time. Now i feel less "burddened" if i may say.... those lessons are still annoying and i don't like driving but i'm thinking this as an opportunity to out-do myself and improve my life.
This goes on for everything. If something annoys you, think of it calmly and consider what the advantages are so you can move on. Try to survive...

"kokoro ni One Smile
mitsuke tara Shine on me
Two Smiles
kasane tara Shine on me
sekai ga kagayaku you ni
Smile, Smile
ikinuku Survivor! "
(Tohoshinki, "Survivor")

PS : i also want to share with you the LJ of my best friend. She just registered and i really think her posts are worth-reading. It's in french though... She talks mostly about her favourite musical artists, writing detailed reviews. Give it a try ;)
====> niie

driving lessons makes me go nuts, survive, malcolm in the middle, imagination, tohoshinki

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