I found... something.....huge.....!

Feb 14, 2009 17:45

Hello people !! How have you all been ?
As for me.. i'm fine thank you !! ^^ Today is the 14th isn't it ?
Happy Valentine's day !!!!!!!.....
whatever.... *bricked* (I'm still alone, but i'm good so i guess it's okay, isn't it ? ^^)
I'm still working on my final paper. I also had my exam in order to be a librarian... it went well for the first part but the second part is a bit unsure... i'm not positive.. but i hope i'll pass.... *fingers crossed*
My best friend came for 4 days at my house for the first time... last time i went to her house. What did we do.. hmmm... we didn't go out at all.. lmao !! Others asked her where we went, what we did and she replied naturally "at home, where else", at least for her and me it's obvious we'll stay at home together to fangirl over..... :

- The "O" Concert, Dong Bang Shin Ki : it was really cool, our first concert. They were so handsome and perfectly sang in live. They were nicely dressed and i w00t-ed when Yunho did his solo... his own true melody "Spokesman" that i simply adore <3 !
- Kurosagi the movie : finally i watched it and well annoh~~ i was happy and sad at the same time. Happy because he was gorgeous (Pi) and i missed Kurosaki ; sad because this movie didn't explain everything, maybe a little, but.. wth...
- X-man episodes : we spazzed over MC Yoo and Haha together, our very own old korean celebrities crush !!
- We studied, amazingly, we succeeded, see how good girls we are ;)
- We talked a lot, especially with my mother, i cooked ;)
- We watched the taiwanese drama Bull Fighting, laughing time, totally a huge nothing drama but it was too funny not to watch it... especially with handsome Mike He, right ? xP

Ahhhh~~ i finally have a car, my mom had her driving test and succeeded, so she bought a car for my sister, her and me.. it's a white Matiz car (korean car.... *o*)

And finally, the reason why i actually began this post it to share with you my finding (so the title)... I don't know who this guy is, but his voice is beautiful .. His NEWS' own version.. of of.... ¤¤surprise¤¤
"I don't feel the same", Thomas Godoj..


bull fighting, dbsk, news, yunho, valentine's day, ai nante, mike he, kurosagi, my friend and i, i have a car

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