Yay! Panda

May 10, 2009 16:49

Yo !

I'm still alive~~~lmao !! A good friend accurately pointed out that i didn't update my LJ for awhile, so here i am. Truthfully, i am really sorry, it's just that i don't think that my life lately is worth writting about. But i'm in a good mood today hehe !!!

Soooooooooooo..... i didn't pass the librarian exam (talk about good news, right~~ ). It was hard for me for quite some days but i got through it, i'm trying to concentrate on my final research paper, which by the way is becoming a nightmare for my brain, but hey...... yay!panda *bricked*

Yeah so as you can see i'm actually watching Love Shuffle, so far it's quite good, i'm in love (as predicted) with Ojiro.. hahaha !!! As predicted because he's the reason i started watching this drama. I also watched Voice and i loved the background score of the opening credit. ^^v

So "stupid boys" are my surviving way of life and lately i am all kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~ with 2pm. Now now, who are those guys ? A korean band, hot, with their last song that is stuck in my head again and again <3

Woohoo, anyway, i'm trying to save money because - besides the so-called trip to South Korea that seems like a cute oasis - i want to buy NewS new album when it will be available. Hahahaha everyone got shocked with Annie's Pi hairstyle. Lmao !!!!!

I hope you are all okay too. I don't forget you !!!

random, love shuffle, librarian, news, yamapi, 2pm

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