*/* C'est la vie */*

Jul 17, 2008 21:19

YaY i submitted my entry to the Tomalicious karaoke contest but i won't tell which one it is wahahaha because you my dear Tomalicious friends will know... *__*.. I'm planning on doing it regularly, i just realized i have taken a liking in singing alone in front of my computer wahaha.. so much for the nolife girl.....

Also my first cover drama has ( Read more... )

random, news, drama, meme, dvdcover, chingus

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Comments 26

monomezurashii July 17 2008, 17:56:49 UTC
ano~~ I hope you don't mind seeing my desktop later, ne? *grin*
Oh, and Hanadan Final is still on theaters *despite it's in its 3rd week now*, so maybe still another month until we got a pirated version of it (like what happen with kurosagi).


gormarien July 17 2008, 17:59:17 UTC
Anytime no prob ! ^^
Ohh i see.. hai then i'll be patient.. like we can't do anything but wait ne ? Lmao ! xDD~~


bigmow July 17 2008, 18:04:11 UTC
aaw. Jo-chan. haha. <3

And u_u too bad about the money. ah. You can always order it later though. ;)

Thank you for tagging me. ^^ :D


gormarien July 17 2008, 18:11:50 UTC
Hai ! Jo-chan ^^ !
You're welcome xDD~~


mklia July 17 2008, 20:30:05 UTC
its great rite??? singing?? i'll do it during the weekend and submit both 2 days in between... :D
u bought Sweet relationship?? wow...
I'm anxious more on Hana Kimi SP.. someone mention it airs on the 20th but so far no news about it ne??
SO have u watched Pipi's Code blue??


gormarien July 18 2008, 07:48:26 UTC
Yup it's great !! Ohh i'll be waiting for your songs then ^^ !!
I made the dvdcover of sweet relationship yes ! It was soo difficult you know because i don't have photoshop yet.. lol
Hai i was also wondering about the sp... and i didn't find any information about the airing either...
Nope still haven't watched Code Blue, neither Maou, i am a dramaholic, one episode isn't enough for me so i am waiting for more episodes to begin it... xDD~~


girlearthless July 17 2008, 22:17:49 UTC
wahhh I still need to finish watching SR! Your dvd covers are so cute^^

Who's in your background? She's purdy!


gormarien July 18 2008, 07:46:29 UTC
Thank youuuu ^^ !!
On my background it's Aya Ueto from the movie Azumi, one of my favourite j-movie.. <33


princess_rei09 July 19 2008, 06:00:21 UTC
Pretty Azumi! Oh yay I've been tagged! Thanks!

Oooh I wanna know which song is your entry! I'm so excited on who will be the winner ^__^

I wonder why they still give us no broadcast that for HK SP... maybe they want to finish Maou first? Oh gad so long! O_O I miss Nakatsu already!


gormarien July 19 2008, 07:02:16 UTC
You're welcome ! ^^
Gahahaha i won't tell until the contest is over xD~~
I wonder that too, yiiii it would be long yes >.<"


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