*/* C'est la vie */*

Jul 17, 2008 21:19

YaY i submitted my entry to the Tomalicious karaoke contest but i won't tell which one it is wahahaha because you my dear Tomalicious friends will know... *__*.. I'm planning on doing it regularly, i just realized i have taken a liking in singing alone in front of my computer wahaha.. so much for the nolife girl.....

Also my first cover drama has been posted. Thanks to Sweety who directed and corrected me, here is my Sweet Relationship drama dvdcover :

I have been tagged by Crysta-chan
Post a screencap of your desktop and tag five other people to do the same.

As you can see my computer desktop is a mess.. >.< And i ordered it a week ago though.....
I tag....
alecsa_chan, Sam
untitled_melody, Angelie
princess_rei09 and another one can i ?

I am currently watching the korean drama Capital Scandal, it's good really, not boring at all so far !! ^^ But but but.. where is Handan final ? Where is Hanakimi sp ?
And and also.... i went to Amazon.co.jp to see the NEWS Pacific LE dvd.. and i realized i don't even have money *sob*, i spent it all for books and restaurants with friends.... This time no dvd for me either.. maybe later.. ahhhhhhh~~

Anyway.... to all of you.....xCHUUUUUUUx  ♥ 

random, news, drama, meme, dvdcover, chingus

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