When you call my name, it's like a little prayer...

Apr 21, 2010 14:45

Great episode! I forgot how much I loved some of Madonna's music.

Sue was hilarious (haha, the whole Will/Sue scene with "Frozen" playing) as was Brittany. Not enough Quinn. The "Like A Virgin" sequence was well, HOT.

"Will you stop talking? You're grossing out my baby."

I'm not a fan of the song "4 Minutes To Save the World" or whatever it's called, but I liked Kurt and Mercedes' version. It was fun and I wasn't expecting Kurt's voice to go as deep as it did. I likey.

"Like A Prayer" is one of my favorites, and I loved their version of it. I'm totally going to play it on repeat. Liked that we got to hear the voices of the others, and what can I say, I'm a sucker for gospel choir.


So excited for next week. Kurt matchmaker to Burt and Finn's mom, hell yeah. Yay for one wish coming true, whether it lasts or not.

Work it, Kurt!

tv shows: glee

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