(no subject)

Mar 26, 2010 14:05

Andy/Erin are cute. So cute, and I'm enjoying watching them much more than Jim/Pam.

Oh my goodness, Kevin. Creepy.

I love Ryan and Kelly so much. And I just love Kelly. She's my favorite. ♥

Who is this Matt guy? Why is he so HOT? My GOD. Get it, Oscar. And aw, Daryl being nice with him and downplaying Matt. Maybe they aren't right for each other. But that's not what is important. What's important is that I see more Matt.

There's not much I can say. I'm not an avid The Office fan, but I catch it when I can, re-runs mostly. I don't care if this season or the last season was shit or whatever, it makes me laugh whenever I do watch it, and this was a good episode.

tv shows: the office

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