Psych Finale

Mar 11, 2010 14:08

Yikes, been awhile since I've updated this thing.

I haven't seen many Hitchcock films but I understood the Psycho references at least lol. Since I suspected Mary so early on in the episode, I knew it couldn't be him, as that would be too obvious. I suspected Abigail, and I totally suspected Buzz right before he fell forward. The cock of the head gave me the creeps I was like "No... no. No way. N--ohh, nevermind."




Damn you! I loved him. :(

The Shawn/Henry hug was so sweet, I was like finally lol. And Jules, poor Jules! I can't blame her for breaking down like that. I love her partnership with Lassiter. I don't ship them at all, I don't see anything romantic happening between them, do not want to, but I love her partnership. And as much as I love Shules and can't wait for it to happen in the end, I'm glad they didn't do any love sick puppy eye scenes with them.

Glad that Abigail was gone. I actually did like her, and I love that her hairstyle changes every time lol, but they hardly did anything with her, there wasn't much point in keeping her.

The last couple minutes... WTF y'all. What the hell. I am so lost. And now we have to wait for the next season? What a pricky thing to do. And it feels like this season just started. Now it's over? UGH.

Great episode, I was entertained throughout and left wondering what was going to happen. Kudos, Psych.

tv shows: psych

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