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Comments 14

dejahnerra November 19 2009, 05:14:23 UTC
Just posted my review too. *lol* I think Quinn is one of the most potentially complex characters and I felt it was beginning to be shown tonight. I really love getting more insight! Her parents do fail and Finn's mom is awesome!

I bought Puck's anger. Especially after Wheels. Everything was just building up and everyone going on and on about FQ and "their" baby and he just exploded. It was Mercedes I didn't get. And I didn't agree with what she said at all!

The look at the end was amazing! Puck needs to get his girl!


thisholymess November 19 2009, 06:31:39 UTC
I have to agree with this post all around.
I love Quinn I just dont like what she's doing to Finn and Puck, but she is a teenager.. and pregnant.

I totally feel for Puck, he doesnt want to be his dad, but its like he has no choice. It only makes it harder that he actually loves Quinn. I bought his anger, its been building for awhile.

When Mercedes gave her advice, I think my jaw dropped.

I need this all to come out now, the baby daddy, the fake baby!!!!!!

But I have a feeling it wont come out until after sectionals.Thats ok as longs as I get some more Puck/Quinn scenes. Ive been loving thosel.

That song at the end was great, I love this show!


dejahnerra November 19 2009, 12:03:50 UTC
I love Quinn. She is my favorite character. And while I do think I understand why she is doing what she's doing I don't think some of her choices are right. She really does need to step up and tell Finn.

I feel for him too. :( And yes to him loving her (and I get the feeling he has for a while but I could be wrong).

Mine too. I was like WTF?!

I can't wait until the truth comes out though I am going to feel so sorry for PQF also.

Yes to more Quick! I need more! *lol*

It really was and me too.


goodnightsong November 19 2009, 07:39:28 UTC
Yeah it was nice to get more insight into her characters and why she was so scared about her parents knowing. Luckily for her though Finn was there with her. *goes to check out your post*

Oh I totally get where Puck's anger came from and he had to blow up to somebody eventually or he would go crazy. The scene was just so, I don't know, casually handled? The preview made it seem as it would be a much bigger scene or something. But Mercedes' reaction was so off-base and odd. To suggest Puck just step aside and can't amount up to Finn, I don't think so. And it's not as if Quinn is innocent in this.

I know! He just wants to support her so much and let her know he can be there for her and the baby. If only things weren't so complicated. D:


melonfucka November 19 2009, 05:16:37 UTC
The Puck/Mercedes scene was... odd. I just didn’t buy Puck’s anger and sudden confession, or Mercedes’ speech.

That was the most ridiculous scene I've ever seen. I was flabbergasted.


goodnightsong November 19 2009, 07:26:02 UTC
Just all around dumbness there. I mean god forbid he wants to step up and take responsibility for something he had a part of. A lot to say for someone who doesn't know the whole story.


(The comment has been removed)

goodnightsong November 20 2009, 03:32:30 UTC
"It's a male duck." Oh Brittany. Don't change.

Ha, seriously. Will could not get the message out right. And his terrified expressions.


aelora November 19 2009, 13:32:03 UTC
That whole scene with Puck and Mercedes totally ruined the ep for me. I was loving everything up until that scene occurred and then it just seemed to through everything else off. It was like they completely marginalized Puck's character and what he is going through. Mercedes reaction was complete BS - it was out of line with her character, and it was not the way any normal teenager would react to hearing that news. It just - angered me. Some things they get really right on this show, and other things they completely BOMB on, and that scene was one of them.

Also, I am sick of them sticking Puck in the back of the group. No one sticks Baby in a corner!!! :P


goodnightsong November 20 2009, 03:55:09 UTC
I'd understand if Mercedes just didn't want to be part of this drama, but that whole speech was off. Were we supposed to be saying "Preach, Mercedes!" with that? Because all I could think was that's one of the most ridiculously written scenes. What kind of fairy tale dose she live in where someone can just pick and choose who the father is and Puck gets no say. Just no.

Right?! Lets give some time for Puck's voice to be heard again. Back up, Finn!


starryeyedmagic November 19 2009, 17:36:48 UTC
… Kurt’s dad and Finn’s mom are sooo getting together in the future though aren’t they?
lol I can totally see it!

Yea, Mercedes' reaction to Puck being the father was bizarre. I mean, I almost feel worse for Puck in this situation because no one is even giving him a chance. And it is his kid, that doesn't mean nothing.


goodnightsong November 20 2009, 04:02:16 UTC
Haha I can only imagine Kurt's reaction if the mother of the boy he has a crush on is dating his dad. :P

I know. First he's "always be a lima loser" now he's being told to back off and accept he's not the "chosen" father of that baby. He understandably doesn't have the best reputation but if no one will even give him the chance...


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