the square root of 4 is rainbows

Nov 18, 2009 21:04

- Rachel, you crazy! But I too was once an obsessive teenager so I can’t judge *ahem*

- LOL Artie’s face after Rachel and Will singing. And Brittany, so dumb, so funny.

- BAMBI’S BACK, YAY. ♥ I love Emma.

- Aw Kurt loves Finn! They were so cute in this episode. They could be really great boy friends (not to be mistaken with boyfriends!). I missed the flashback though :( Darned live stream that kept on skipping and pausing (but I didn't want to have to flip back and forth between this and Modern Family, so.)

Anyway you'll find your man someday, bb Kurt.

So Kurt’s mom died 10 years ago? Sad. That's basically all I caught from that scene, it was all skippy. I think I missed some cute things lol.

… Kurt’s dad and Finn’s mom are sooo getting together in the future though aren’t they?

- I find Quinn to be a complex character and I liked that we got to see a little more into her life in this episode. Poor Quinn. I felt so bad for her. But man, when the truth comes out, well... shit meet fan. Poor Finn. That will likely be Quinn's rock bottom moment, as he is pretty much now the only thing left in her life.

*ignores all the Quinn hate*

One word of advice though, to any actors out there, if you can't bring yourself to truly cry, then don't do it. Fake crying just doesn't work for me. Hopefully Dianna can improve though.

- So Quinn’s parents lose, Finn’s mom wins.

- The Puck/Mercedes scene was... odd. I just didn’t buy Puck’s anger and sudden confession, or Mercedes’ speech.
ETA: Let me rephrase that. Puck's anger I buy, it's the way the scene was handled that was odd to me. Me and my horrible wording.

- Fake pregnancy storyline must be resolved asap. WILL. SMH.

- The last scene was sweet. I read earlier today, something I think Amber Riley talked about, about how the two people being sung to didn’t get to see the rehearsal, so Dianna and Cory were seeing that for the first time and their reactions were genuine. Aw. I love this group of people!

Hee, Kurt’s “call me”. SO CUTE. Icon please. And the look Puck gave Quinn at the end. Gah. Resovle, storyline, resolve!

tv shows: glee

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