You may think I'm wrong, but I care little for your rebuttals when I say that
milliways_bar has what I consider the best bunch of Pirates of the Caribbean players on livejournal. If not the whole internets. Now with all major threads written and made public, we have finally finished bringing our pups through
At World's End, and it's one of the most fun and most proud I've been of a major plot.
Aspen sometimes seems to know what's going on in
pirate_jack's head and heart better than he does. At other times shehas as little idea than the rest of us. But she is well-organised, dedicated, and the one to go to to get things done. None of this would have happened without her.
Heater has done the impossible and made me like
try_corsets; to cry when she cries, glee when she's strong and understand everything that makes her tick. She's the reason I'm playing with them, and reason I go on. And she's not afraid to play her faults, and this is amazing.
Kate was there when I watched the movie, and we held each other's hands through the scary bits. She came up with the way we could keep playing without ruining the point of the canon, and has
scourgeofpiracy down. Where the writers forgot him, Kate makes him unforgettable.
Mel joined the cast and the game at a rather unfortunate time: just before we removed our characters to play through plot. But she came with us gamely, and gave us an amazing
bushel_o_apples, really getting under his skin and coupling it with beautiful prose.
Mandy plays a strong, nicely bitter
doyoufeardeath with unapologetic gusto and she doesn't even need CGI to master Nighy ham-levels. And she indulged my teacup-fetish, which saner people wouldn't.
Alex makes me smile every time he tags. With
pirate_gibbs, he's taken a walking exposition device and brought him to life as a fiercely likable and loyal mate.
Batya puts so much thought into every thing she writes,and she writes it beautifully, going between
byhisbootstraps's movie lines and pulling out a performance that's almost painful to read, but very much in a good way.
From the very beginning, just after DMC, Lorna called everything there was to know about
touch_destiny, playing her exactly right eight months before AWE and its appropriate character revelations was even released in the cinema. Her gorgeous writing adds layers to the character, and is a joy to read.
Caz, like Mel, came into the game just as we were gearing up for the extensive plot, and brought an amazing and funny
parley_pirate, despite the complications of joining such a huge cast.
Viv really understands
governor_swann and his love for his daughter, and gave the character the fitting retirment he deserved.
Because it's a panfandom game, naturally we brought in guest stars:
Gramarye filled in plot holes that no one else could see with
merriman_lyon, and deserves all caps for putting the DISNEY MOVIE IN HISTORICAL CONTEXT which actually works somehow, and making sure the ending is as secure for the heroes as it should be.
Star sent
midshipwellard to his own personal hell, then brought him out and inserted him nicely into the crew, giving a fresh and happily not-unbiased outsider's perspective of events.
Meg probably more than once regretted sending her pregnant
clumsy_auror along with Elizabeth, as the plot stretched into months, but she tolerated it all wonderfully, and Tonks brings joy to everything she's in.
Steph Mu Ji understands how fun it is when
bad_in_latin gets stabbed in the back under humourous circumstances. The scene in which Mal and Will attempt to steal maps is one of my favourites, and a great way to kick off the plot.
Not to mention, of course, the Endless. Lynne (
book_bound) was always there to give Will the right kind of encouragement, and Mir (
silver_flecks)'s scene with Jack was much more enjoyable than what for me is the weakest scene in the original movie.
And, of course, the NPC players. Saph's universe-crossing take on
mr_mercer is unadulterated evil joy, and Gwynn gave
hai_dao dignity and a healthy sense of contempt for all the backstabbing bastards. Then, sharing
bringmethatnpc: Amy's adorable Pintel, Amanda's suitably bemused Tai Huang, Sweeney's unparalleled Beckett, and Lexie, whose cabin boyopened up the plot for us all.
(There also deserves to be a special shout out to Rami
singedevampires, who wasn't able to play through plot, but who once smeared undead monkey poo on Yuppie!Will's PDA.Which wins.)
So much love,
The mun of
turned_captain (formerly turning_pirate)