Shameless Plug And A Big Shout-Out...

Oct 30, 2007 08:57

...To the up-and-coming Animorphs RP game that I've inexplicably become one of the three new admins for, approving applications left and right:

Damn, guys. I was worried at first, but you managed to pull off some really ass-rocking applications. The andalites weren't sparkly, they were realistically written and impressed me to the point that I accepted them without question, and I'd love to guarrantee that ALL of your high school characters will become morphers (though I can't, unfortunately, and I'm unsure if even mine will make it into the sorting hat for it. :< ), because I think for the most part that they're damn fine interesting characters. (And seriously, only one 'parents killed in car crash' application? I was CERTAIN we'd have a bunch of poor orphan childrens running around. Though we seem to have an influx of 'kids with daddy issues', including my own character. :<)

I can't tell you how excited I am to be part of this game, and I hope to God that even if we don't all get in as a Morpher (which I hope we do) we'll still be part of the game in some awesome way to have fun together.

So give yourselves a big pat on the back, guys and gals. I think you've earned it.
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