Apr 27, 2010 21:59
Mail order chicks expected tomorrow. Excitement is reaching a fever pitch. Kiva is banned from the vicinity. I think I'm going to get some electric fencing to put around the chicken pen when I move them outside at about 5 weeks old.
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Comments 5
The last time I ordered, I picked the breeds very carefully--but they all died to a fox in the first week I had them outside. :(
This time, I decided to go a bit more general. I ordered them from MyPetChicken.com. They say
Order five or more and you'll get at least three large fowl breeds from the following list:
* Rhode Island Red
* New Hampshire Red
* Red Star
* Speckled Sussex
* Dark Cornish
* Light Brahma
* Australorp
* Buff Orpington
* Naked Neck
* Salmon Faverolles
* Dominique
* Barred Plymouth Rock
* White Plymouth Rock
* Partridge Rock
* Delaware
* Golden Laced Wyandotte
* Silver Laced Wyandotte
* Columbian Wyandotte
* Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
* Black Jersey Giant
* Buckeye
* Chantecler
* Barnevelder
* Blue Cochin
* Black Cochin
* Splash Cochin
* White Cochin
* Partridge Cochin
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