I like this job! I LIKE IT!

Aug 22, 2008 19:07

Heh. This meme looked fun...


DO IT. DO EET NOW! ...Plz.

In other news, got to see The Dark Knight at the IMAX last night with Gogod. FUCKING AMAZING!! Seriously. There is no word to describe the awesome of seeing a three-stories-tall (or however big the IMAX screen is) Bale/Bruce/Batman and co., except to say that it was sublime. ( Read more... )

pictures, friends, toys!, the goddamn batman, meme

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gogo_ergo_sum August 23 2008, 02:07:13 UTC

There WILL be pictures of the Kensei and Shuu plushies when they arrive. Gogo had them commissioned. Awesome, ne?

AND YES, THAT IS THE SCENE!!! Gogod made a gif of it, which we're using as our Mod icon at the Grind. SO FUCKING HOT. Yes, yes, in that scene, Harvey is like, "Batman is fucking awesome." And Bruce is totally thinking, "...And awesome at fucking..."



gogo_ergo_sum August 23 2008, 02:08:25 UTC
...And, thanks for the props on gogo's kitty. She's so pretty and so badass. But no stealing!



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barukode August 23 2008, 02:02:57 UTC

Hahahahahahaahha! That's fab, seeing it in IMAX. And BWHAHAHAHAHAHAH! *dies at picture* Bruce and Dante; hahahahahah *cries* So wonderful. Absolutely love it.
Gogod, ps, you are so fucking cute.


gogo_ergo_sum August 23 2008, 02:13:49 UTC
*grins* gogo looooooves toys. LOVES THEM. And loves to do dirty, dirty things with them...

How is your puppy?? He is just so adorable. Want to see more pictures!

And, yes, GOGOD IS SO CUTE!! Such a chibi, yet such a badass. *unf!*



katiefoolery August 23 2008, 02:44:36 UTC
Your cat looks most delightfully evil in that picture - as though she's plotting doom for someone who has displeased her by existing or something. Love it.


gogo_ergo_sum August 23 2008, 03:29:33 UTC

Gotham is so stinkin' smart. She is always plotting something. ALWAYS.

HOW ARE YOU?? Haven't talked to you in ages!


simply_day August 23 2008, 03:12:07 UTC
Baby Go!!! She looks like a princess. XD

The figurine pron is epic. Epically epic. When I opened up that email I nearly died laughing. SUCH WIN.


gogo_ergo_sum August 23 2008, 05:27:37 UTC
YAY FOR TOY!PRON!! Can't wait until gogo gets Joker and Harvey figurines. Then there shall be toy orgies liek whaooo!

The Baby Go~ She's even more of a princess than her mommy. A brilliant, evil princess who has gogo utterly wrapped around her pretty white paw.


p_sky August 23 2008, 03:43:08 UTC
0.o I'd love to see what you'd do with a Batman and Harvey action figure~

And your cat looks... evil. IT IS PLANNING DOOM FOR US ALL D= No of course I'm not biased against cats
But I like her name ^^


gogo_ergo_sum August 26 2008, 20:48:08 UTC
YES!! Must get a Harvey figurine. MUST. Especially one that's actually Harvey, and not Two Face. Although...will happily take whatever sorta looks like Aaron Sexxhart, half-burned face or no...

How are you, sweetie? Missed you at chat. Not that we did anything super important, but we did laugh a whole lot. That was awesome.

Anyhoo, hope things are well with you~


p_sky August 26 2008, 23:30:44 UTC
I'm okay~~ Had to go to a farewell party for a friend and ended up staying out longer than usual XD Oh, and classes are gonna start soon so am nervous ><

Hope everything's going okay with you too~~


gogo_ergo_sum August 27 2008, 00:44:53 UTC
Nervous?? Why nervous, sweetie?

Take a hiatus at HB if you need one, k?? Class is starting for a bunch of players, of course. Busy time for a lot of players.

Things are good here, just busy as usual~


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