I like this job! I LIKE IT!

Aug 22, 2008 19:07

Heh. This meme looked fun...


DO IT. DO EET NOW! ...Plz.

In other news, got to see The Dark Knight at the IMAX last night with Gogod. FUCKING AMAZING!! Seriously. There is no word to describe the awesome of seeing a three-stories-tall (or however big the IMAX screen is) Bale/Bruce/Batman and co., except to say that it was sublime. gogo & gogod squeed so fucking hard--again. Cannot WAIT for Dark Knight to come out on DVD, so gogo can watch nurse!Joker and the "eye-sex" scene between Bruce and Harvey again, and again, and again, and... You get the point.

Here is gogod. Squeeing as only she can:

Am so excited for the new arc at
hardboiled_rpg. SO EXCITED!! From the looks of things in this photo... DANTE IS TOO. lolz. gogo & gogod went grocery shopping a few days ago and gogo couldn't resist buying this scrumptious Batman action figure. Seriously... He came with gauntlets and some ridiculously phallic grappler weapon. How could gogo resist? Anyway, he and Dante seem to be getting along quite well, ne?

FUCK YEAH!! *unnnff*

Proving once again, that nobody tops THE GODDAMN BATMAN!

And while we're doing pictures... Here's gogo's little cat, Gotham. Yes, her name is Gotham. And has been for quite some time. Obsessed much? HELL YEAH.

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend so far. Will be posting again, with more pictures of toys and other pretty things when gogo's new Kensei and Shuuhei plushies arrive. Viva la sexy toys~

EDIT: The Batman drabble-fest. Write a Batman-related drabble in 6 words. <3

pictures, friends, toys!, the goddamn batman, meme

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