Bonus Round: Interteam Cooperation Challenge

Jul 26, 2010 01:11

Bonus Round Challenge #1
Interteam Cooperation Challenge: Round Robin

Rules1. Write a short, unfinished ficlet for a team that is NOT YOUR OWN. "Short" can mean anything from a few sentences to a couple of paragraphs ( Read more... )

bonus round '10, round one '10

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Comments 51

aeirol July 26 2010, 17:40:25 UTC
Jamie wasn't particularly surprised when Nick dropped his shopping basket and snaked his way around to the next aisle of the grocery store, glint in his hand proof of his knife-palming skills. Since meeting Nick, Jamie had grown more and more used to these interruptions in what he would like to be a cheerful and violence-free life. So he now did what he almost always tried to do when Nick didn't bother to let him know ahead of time what was going on: put his back to a wall of canned tomatoes and tried very hard to keep a watch in every direction at once.


spiderstars July 28 2010, 05:44:27 UTC
An older woman stopped and gave him a small, confused smile. “Are you okay, dear?”

Jamie’s laugh came out more of a giggle than he would have liked. “Perfectly fine. There are probably demons in the next aisle ready to bring us all fiery death, but for now I am fine.”

The woman cocked her head at him, and this time Jamie did giggle for real. “That was a joke. I was joking. That is, I was being funny. It is a thing I do.”

The woman nodded slowly, stooped to pick up the shopping basket Nick dropped, and handed it back to him. She then made her way to the next aisle, and possibly to certain death. Jamie felt slightly guilty about this, but before he could begin to wallow too badly, Nick was swinging around the corner.

“What just happened?” He asked.

Nick glared at him. “We have to leave. Now.”

Knowing full well he should simply swallow and accept what Nick was saying, Jamie instead chose to throw out Nick’s least favorite word in the world. “Why?”


mizzy2k July 28 2010, 12:46:42 UTC
"I don't know," Nick returned. "I mean, I contemplated saying let's stay while the cashier over there snaps and butchers us all with the cleaver he has hidden under his cash register. But then I thought, well, all that blood wouldn't match the t-shirt Jamie's wearing, would it?"

Even after all the time Jamie had spent with Nicholas Ryves, he could still blindside him a little. Jamie stared, and then blinked it away. "No. Uh. Red's not really my colour."

"So...?" Nick gestured at the exit with his knife. Jamie glanced warily at the cashier and back at Nick. Nick sighed impatiently. "When you've recovered from pulling your face out of the rear of the clue bus, how about we get with the program of getting the hell out of here?"


richyisrichy July 26 2010, 21:35:19 UTC
"Come on, Sin! Hurry up!" Alan yelled behind him ( ... )


mizzy2k July 28 2010, 13:16:26 UTC
Of course, when anyone wishes for a day to last forever, if they are that happy, bad things tended to happen fairly shortly afterwards ( ... )


mimicre July 26 2010, 22:28:45 UTC
So as spiderstars pointed out, I am totally competent and posted this in the wrong place. But, uh, here:


Original note:

I think this might kind of be cheating, since this is technically part of the trans!Jamie 'verse I started way back when--but it's the start of a Jamie/Nick scene, so. I hope it counts?


"You know I'm not actually a girl," snapped Jamie, pulling open the refrigerator door with more force than was strictly necessary.
"Yeah, you said." Nick's face was totally unreadable unless he made an effort, and he certainly wasn't making one now.
"You know--" Jamie started, then stopped. It would be totally useless to explain anything to Nick, who would not care or even recognize that he ought to care. Somehow, that thought pushed him to continue.


mizzy2k July 28 2010, 14:22:44 UTC
"--probably not a whole lot," Jamie finished, realising that speaking when feeling the urge to, without having any actually substance behind the urge, was probably not a good idea. Especially with Nick around ( ... )


moraglee July 26 2010, 23:25:49 UTC
So I guess this is RarePear.


Daniel hadn't expected to ever see her again, and certainly not like that, ragged and angry and insisting that her son isn't human. Even with a boy of his own, it wasn't hard to believe. Children don't have eyes that hard.

In another time, he would have told her to leave. But it had been a long time since there was another person in the house. He told himself that Alan needed a mother, and that it was what Marie would have done. It had nothing to do with the sharp quips or the way her hair fell on her shoulders or the sense of danger he'd nearly forgotten. Nothing at all.


orexisbella July 29 2010, 16:43:47 UTC
Daniel runs a gentle hand through mussed red curls; his sleeping son murmurs a response, dreamy and sweet and low. He tucks the blanket around Alan and carefully shuts the bedroom door behind him, leaning against it with a heavy sigh.

He's had a hard time sleeping ever since they went on the run: his blood thrums with anxiety, senses snatching at the slightest tendril of movement or sound. They've been in Liverpool for two weeks, and every night he's found himself pacing the cramped hallways of the little house, turning the situation over in his mind. There has to be a way out.

He stops at the door to her room. She's taken to leaving it open, now that Nick is out of her way and trailing Alan like a tiny, determined hellhound. Daniel's fingers clench at that thought, at the idea of the demon's proximity to his boy, but they relax just a little as his eyes move to her bed. Even in her worn and fitful state, Olivia cuts a striking figure; her hair drifts like curling smoke over sharp shoulders, full mouth taut with fear and anger.


spiderstars August 2 2010, 18:59:14 UTC
Maybe this is cheap and maybe this is wrong and maybe he's betraying both Marie and Olivia as he does this, but he sets his hand against Olivia's cheek and thinks of how beautiful she is, of how even now she still draws him to her. It could still be love, but it feels more like loneliness, and he has never felt quite so weak as when he leans in to kiss her goodnight.

Olivia's eyes flicker open. There is a strained beat of silence where her face is blank and calculating, and then she smiles up at him and says, "Daniel".

He is about to say something, but Olivia's smile falls away and then she is saying, "It should have been you. You would have never betrayed me, would never have created thatDaniel thinks of Alan's hanger-on. It's become increasingly easier to conceive of it as a monster rather than a child. He's not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but he does know when Olivia tells him it should have been him nothing sounds so true. He opens his mouth to tell her so, to tell her anything, but he's not really sure ( ... )


madhatterpan July 27 2010, 03:27:55 UTC
The world is rotten beneath a deceivingly blue sky. Prop on a smile, widen those eyes in a dance of sincerity and lie. Doesn't everyone? We're all meticulously constructed facades. Inside, along curved ribs and threading blood and demanding organs, there is hate and hunger and cruelty. It was intrinsic. Just like magic, which was beautifulhappinessfreedomgloriousthumpthumpnecessaryaddictiveeverythingshutyoureyesfeelinglightandfireinyourveinspower ( ... )


Sorry for not actually replying to this spiderstars July 28 2010, 05:45:22 UTC
But just saying this is completely beautiful and totally stunning.


Totally okay! madhatterpan July 28 2010, 05:59:03 UTC

Meep. Well, I'm all flustered and giddy now. Also, noticed this above! ZomgRunawaysiconloooove.


mizzy2k July 28 2010, 12:42:41 UTC
Oh, if only they had managed to find Jamie before now. Gerald let the pleasant daydream twist idly around his mind for a long moment, imagining Jamie's wide-eyed expression as they discovered the secrets and wonders of the magic together. He imagined lacing their hands together, their voices mingling together on the breeze like the sound of a new song pushing into the sky, the harmony sliding around them like a storm of butterflies, wondrous and fragile and ethereal. The demons they could have raised together, it was almost beyond imagining, but Gerald didn't have to imagine. Maybe it was late, maybe it was past the point of joint discovery and awareness into a brand new world, but it was not too late, and that realisation felt almost as grand as magic ( ... )


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