Over the past few days, I have come to the conclusion that parents are like the Greeks. Never trust the nice tone. It means that you will be yelled at later. On the other hand, my rooom is now clean, with the exeption of a giant heap of garbage in the middle of it. But at least it is known garbage. And I need a bookshelf, because apprently there is
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Comments 15
Note to self Number 2: Carry a large and deadly weapon into house. just in case.
Note to self number three: Do NOT forget such weapon at party.
Note to self number whatever: Do NOT forget such weapon in the car either.
Corrolary: Particularly somebody else's car.
I was however under the impression that Beowulf did not take place in the regular world. I might be wrong having never actually read Beowulf.
Interview wasn't very romantic, a bit but not quite. Trust me. ;) Don't really bother. It took me three tries and while it wasn't a horrible book it wasn't really worth all the time and effort I put into it.
It is romance novels that I never got around to. Just look at the covers. Meh.
подробности - письмом
No, seriously. Happy New Year. I am not going to go into a bunch of wishy things. But Happy New Year.
Hah. Good point. Place Rice under smut-without-smut category then. Should have realized this. Although actually it kind of amazes me how many yannoying 12 year old fans there are. I mean, what are they in it for? Maybe they just act 12 online. *shrug*
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