The 2015 Exchange Reveal!

Jan 04, 2016 14:42

Well, that's a wrap, Exchangelings - another year of fantastic fic and art for everyone. Your mods would like to thank all participants, and a special shout-out to our beta readers and pinch-hitters.

The following is the list of Who Done Made What. Now you are free to rec, thank your creators by name, and repost your works wherever you like.

December 1:
Art: Horsepersons as horses, rated G, for _silverfox, by tio-trile

December 2:
Fic: Knightly Virtues are a Pain, rated PG, for kirathaune, by hsavinien

December 3:
Fic: Not Anymore, rated T, for notaspacealien, by Ajxackt (

December 4:
Fic: Wings, rated G, for aliceapproved (, by _silverfox

December 5:
Fic: On the Tip of the Tongue, rated NC-17, for hsavinien, by macdicilla (

December 6:
Fic: Aziraphale . . . I Think I Love You, rated G, for, by

December 7:
Art: At the Treasury, or Aziraphale and Crowley in Delphi, rated G, for stalkerbunny, by Grandlundanna

December 8:
Fic: The One With the Whipped Cream, rated NC-17, for, by notaspacealien

December 9:
Poem: The Arranged Marriage of Heaven and Hell, rated PG-13, for ylc, by hoshi_ryo

December 10:
Fic: An Awkwardness of Firsts, rated T, for irisbleufic, by miscellanny

December 11:
Fic: A Little Red Book, rated R, for thekeyholder, by ylc

December 12:
Fic: No Such Thing, rated M, for macdicilla, by irisbleufic

December 13:
Fic: Wires Crossed, unrated, for miscellanny, by katarzi

December 14:
Fic: Sea Change, rated G, for cactus_rabbit, by stalkerbunny

December 15:
Art: In Vino Veritas . . . Right?, unrated (SFW), for meganbobness, by bravinto

December 16:
Fic: The War That Never Was, rated K, for Grandlundanna, by greywolfheir

December 17:
Fic: Oxytocis Ridiculous or Dido’s Cuddling Curse, rated G, for hoshi_ryo, by cactus_rabbit

December 18:
Art: A Conversation Above the Silver Bridge, 1967, rated G, for katarzi, by lynndyre

December 19:
Fic: Just Dandy, rated G, for demons_advocate, by kirathaune

December 20:
Fic: The Trouble With Tree Trimming, rated NC-17, for Ajxackt (, by ajcrowlor

December 21:
Fic: Project Management, rated PG, for sporkfosterfan, by lunasong365

December 22:
Art: Angels are sexless unless they really want to make an effort, rated G, for azile_teacup, by

December 23:
Fic: Colours dip't in Heaven, rated G, for lynndyre, by azile_teacup

December 24:
Fic: We Were There When..., rated G, for edna_blackadder, by demons_advocate

December 25:
Fic: The Quest, for greywolfheir, by sporkfosterfan

December 28:
Fic: I Run Into You and Just Keep Running, rated R, for vulgarweed, by meganbobness

December 31:
Fic: Jesus Was Someone You Could Sit Down and Have a Beer With, rated PG, for lunasong365, by edna_blackadder

January 1:
Art: You're Angry When You're Beautiful, rated PG, for bravinto, by quantum_witch

January 2:
Fic: The Reason for the Season, rated NC-17, for ajcrowlor, by vulgarweed

And that's all for this year, folks! Thanks again for another fantastic exchange!

voice of mod, 2015 exchange, 2015 reveal

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