Happy Holidays, tio-trile!

Dec 06, 2015 11:18

Title: Aziraphale... I think I love you
Written for: http://tio-trile.tumblr.com/
From: A Secret!
Pairing/Characters: Aziraphale/Crowley
Rating: General
Notes: I hope this is something you will enjoy!!! as soon as I heard the song I knew why you choose it. Big thanks to my beta not-a-space-alien who helped me big time with this. I sort of join the second and third prompt into one art, hope you like it!! Happy Holidays!!!

Summary: Glimpsing what's between the lines of love is rare opportunity indeed.
“Aziraphale… I think I love you.”

I think I love you by the partridge family

I'm sleeping and right in the middle of a good dream
Like all at once I wake up from something that keeps
Knocking at my brain
Before I go insane I hold my pillow to my head
And spring up in my bed screaming out the words I dread
I think I love you
(I think I love you)

This morning, I woke up with this feeling
I didn't know how to deal with and so I just decided to myself
I'd hide it to myself and never talk about it
And didn't I go and shout it when you walked into my room
I think I love you
(I think I love you)

I think I love you so what am I so afraid of?
I'm afraid that I'm not sure of a love there is no cure for
I think I love you isn't that what life is made of?
Though it worries me to say that I've never felt this way
I don't know what I'm up against
I don't know what it's all about
I got so much to think about, hey

I think I love you so what am I so afraid of?
I'm afraid that I'm not sure of a love there is no cure for
I think I love you isn't that what life is made of?
Though it worries me to say I've never felt this way

Believe me you really don't have to worry
I only want to make you happy
And if you say, Hey, go away, I will
But I think better still I better stay around and love you
Do you think I have a case? Let me ask you to your face
Do you think you love me? I think I love you

I think I love you
(I think I love you)
I think I love you
(I think I love you)
I think I love you
(I think I love you)
I think I love you
(I think I love you

It was a nice dream.

Crowley’s dreams were pleasant most of the time, but this one was beyond perfection. He was in a greenhouse to start it off, in disguise and undercover, a true agent of MI6, and his partner in crime was none other than 007, James Bond, thank you very much. They had the villain bound by the plants* and were in full interrogation mode, with Bond asking the questions.”

The mission had gone well and Crowley was now having dinner with his namesake.It was quite a fine dinner party, too. It was probably the Ritz, or another fancy restaurant. He heard someone calling his name, but when he turned to see who had called it, he saw no one.  So he turned back to 007 at the table, but instead found Aziraphale sitting there now.  “Hmmm, that is odd,” Crowley thought.**  He waved at Aziraphale, who was just sitting there and smiling
*Crowley’s doing.
**Now, dreams with Aziraphale were not odd per se. What Crowley thought was odd was the fact that Aziraphale was not in a funny or mischievous situation as Crowley normally placed him in in his dreams, but rather elegant and not being embarrassed.

As dreams go, one moment later they were no longer in the Ritz but rather in the back of the angel’s bookshop, sharing a fine wine. Of course there was no trace of Bond, but there was a good cheese in the middle of the table, picked by the angel no doubt.

Crowley was half-expecting to have something funny happen to Aziraphale, and when the angel stood up to remove the demon’s sunglasses with one plump hand, he felt even weirder as his vision blurred.  And then he was no longer in the bookshop but his flat, cuddling, Aziraphale’s back against his chest  He rested his head in the curly silver hair and said something, but didn’t hear himself say anything out loud.  But he felt it and he certainly said it, and the angel answered, “Me too, dear, I love you too.”

“Aziraphale… I think I love you,” was what he felt.

In a moment’s notice a beam that was the sun hit Crowley in the face on his bed. He opened his eyes and blinked. The next moment a realisation came and words began forming in his mouth. “Wait, what was that? I was… I didn’t wanna… I said what!!”  If it’s an adjective you could perhaps try “Then, fully woken, he stared at the empty space up to his bed.”

He turned screaming towards his pillow, and once his tantrum was over he whispered, "Aziraphale, I... I think I love you.”

“Arrghh,” he said as he rose from the bed. “Ok, what? No, I can’t feel that, I am a demon. Besides, we are friends, a hundred years of official friendship and more of great company. Ha, yeah, I’ll just pretend that never happened.”

He snapped his fingers, trying to make the memory of the dream and all go away. He was unsuccessful. As it was pointless to go back to sleep, he just decided to start doing his humans chores. He took a looong bath, letting the tub overflow and waste some water,* and then laid wet on the bed until he made a pond on his sheets. He changed into a suit and tried to think  if rearranging his collections of cassettes, DVDs, Blue Rays, or CD’s would do anything for him. After deciding it wouldn't, he went to the kitchen instead and put a kettle on..
*After all that happened and especially after last night’s dream, he needed to prove to himself that he was as demonic as can be. And every little helped.

He was so engrossed watching the water boil that he didn’t feel anything until it was too late.
Crowley jumped as the door opened. The last person Crowley wanted to see at the moment entered the room with a mild, bored face.

“Hello, my dear... What? What happened?" Aziraphale seem really concerned. Did Crowley look that bad?

“Hi… hi, Aziraphale, er, nothing.  It’s just that, yesterday, well, it’s nothing, really, I had quite a fun dream, well not so much fun as rather…. it wasn’t a nightmare, it was more of er… well.”

Aziraphale closed the door behind him. “Yes?”

“Well...” And then; "Aziraphale…. I think I love you.” It wasn’t a question and it wasn’t directed to the angel. Then the Serpent of Eden realised what he had said and put a hand in his mouth. “Imbecile, utter stupid demon, didn't we agree that you were to say nothing?”

"Ah," said Aziraphale, hanging his trench coat behind the door. "Do you want to talk about it?

"What? Er…” Crowley had no idea where to hide now.*

"Crowley," said Aziraphale, and hearing his name on   angel's lips made Crowley shudder. ** This normally didn’t happen and now he was back to this reality. "Sit down, let me prepare some breakfast"

While Aziraphale was in the kitchen, taking more time than usual, Crowley pushed his glasses all the way up his nose and sunk in the sofa. His mind was  racing with thoughts of what to do next.

*Although the window looked like a good choice, he was in the top flat and he hadn’t  flown in a long time, since he had his car and enjoyed roads a little more than air.
** He had never taken for granted his enemy turned friend saying his name because, from the beginning Aziraphale never batted an eye when he had change it from Crawley.

“Ok, he is here and I am pretty sure he heard me and he hasn't smitten me or run away. He is preparing breakfast and asked me if I wanna talk about it... But about what? I think I love you, angel, I am in love with you. Am I? I have never loved someone before. Why do I feel like this? I have been with him for a long time. I feel the same but different.Are we supposed to feel this?”

"Aaagggh," he said out load and sunk down even more, some molecules actually merging with the cushions.

"Sorry, dear, breakfast is going to take a little more time, unless you only want toast?” came the calm answer from the kitchen.

"Eemm, sure, I mean, yeah I'll wait.”

“Breathe, damn it. You are a friking demon. Your game is persuasion. Let's think through this logically. Yesterday I had a dream, and then this damn feeling has been stuck in my chest, but this thing has been there for a long time, hasn’t it? I think I just managed to place it. Agghh, face it, Crowley... You are in love with Aziraphale. Aghh it’s weird, am I in love with him?”

"With Aziraphale?" he managed to sigh to himself, and obviously the angel heard.

"Yes Crowley?” he answered. Crowley jumped from the sofa.

"Is breakfast ready? I need… I want...” What did he want? ”… Tea." he finished,  racing to the kitchen table.

Aziraphale was placing everything on the table, warm toast with jam, perfect fried eggs with bacon, mushrooms and potatoes. The tea was warm and had an excellent smell. The angel sat on the table and Crowley took the opposite chair and miracled some cupcakes which he handled to Aziraphale. And there it was, that smile, that smile that was reserved for him only, why haven't he seen it before?

"You heard me before." It was not a question


"Right, then, well I really don't have a good excuse this time."

"Then explain. I will listen."

"Yessss." Sigh. Could he really do this? Talk to Aziraphale about… About what, really? He had only figured it out yesterday, but at the same time it felt like he had knew for about a decade. The words in his dream echoed in the morning, did Aziraphale know before this? Did he feel the same, oh Satan! He haven't even thought about that. He was not sure if he wanted to know the answer.

The thought of having to deal with that too made Crowley shiver. The angel was in front of him and was looking patient. What did the humans do in these situations? Ha, humans again with the answers. Did they have answers? Why did Crowley have only questions in his head?

Finally he finished his cup of tea and left in the table and said “Look, I just started noticing this last night, well this morning really so, whatever I say here is really just me thinking out loud. I like you, Aziraphale, a lot, and I like all the things we've been through. I feel good with you and I, well, I think I love you and this is really weird.

So this is new for me, ok, I suck at Lust and that is as close to love as I know.I mean I love my car and my suits and yeah I guess I like humans a lot but I... Directing my, er, likeness to one particular, er, somebody is something I have never felt or done. And I feel this thing only for you so, emm, what I am saying is that this is weird, we have been acting like humans so long, especially these last decades with the no intervention and stuff… And well yesterday I felt it, and now me seeing you here, so close…. I do, I know I have never felt this way, and I have no freaking idea how to react."

Aziraphale sighed, and took one hand and placed it over Crowley's.

The demon’s heart skipped a moment, maybe several moments* as in a way to catch up with Aziraphale’s,
*And it wasn’t something Crowley was unaccustomed to doing, as he loved doing this when he went to annoy doctors at hospitals, but this time was a little more unconscious.
"Listen," he said, before Aziraphale could say anything, something he really didn't wanna hear. "You really have nothing to worry about, like things will be the same. (Will they?) We will take long walks in the park, have brunch at sushi restaurants, feed the ducks, I will bring expensive wines to your bookshop, and you can keep reading your old boring books to me. (They weren't really boring) I will keep ignoring that you do eat more than you need (or should). Or, well, I understand if you don’t wanna see me again, it’s ok I.. I can go, it wouldn’t be the first time we don’t live in the same city. I like London but we can stop seeing each other, not that we are Seeing each other, I mean…."

Aziraphale placed both hands on him now, a sigh from the angel, and almost words on his lips. But Crowley cut him off and continued:

"But, maybe consider it: You really like when I played with humans that deserve it, or the wines. I know what you like and you never get bored with me. The food is good, and you never have to take the guilt trips because of the things we do, you have me for that. And really the good deeds you do really affect me, so you have a good job there. We both like to smoke, and the cigars I bring are always the finest, and ok, I will watch musicals with you! So what I am saying is this: I think that us together would be an excellent idea, I think we certainly work well together, I think we are already there. And well what I am saying is, do you hear me, Aziraphale? I… I…what do you think? Would you like..? Have you..?" Crowley took a big chunk of air as he had not been breathing since he sat at the table "Do you feel the same as I do?”

Aziraphale blinked, as if he didn't know what to answer. His blue eyes went to the yellow eyes in front of him, and then he smiled, not a smile of pleasure as it were, but of hope and a little mischief if we are completely honest. A smile of success.

Crowley removed his glasses and blinked at Aziraphale.

"Aziraphale, I think I love you. Do you, would you consider, er… If I am not mistaken, if I know you at any rate, I think. Do you think you love me?"

Aziraphale rose from his chair and took Crowley’s face in his hands

"My dear,” said Aziraphale with a little whisper, as if he had not talked for a long time, "I have been waiting for this confession, but I always thought it would come from my end.." Another step closer. "If you let me love you, then I shall be so happy.”

"Are you serious? You feel the same?"

"Crowley, when have you known me to lie?"

Crowley raised an eyebrow and Aziraphale laughed and that laugh broke the tension and placed them in a new reality a reality that was theirs in its entirety.

They both laughed a moment more and Aziraphale bent to Crowley's lips. The kiss was sealed when Crowley placed his arms around Aziraphale’s neck and stood so he could embrace the ethereal being closer. The kiss was something awaited for, neither of them had made an effort for so long, and still, the way they were saying the same "I love you" without words felt so easy.

When they broke the kiss they were both without breath* and Crowley placed his forehead in Aziraphale's, there was silence, filled with the noises of neighbours and every day life at home. London.
*They had no need for breath, but both suspected they needed to have some air before saying something else.
"Sooo," began Aziraphale "regarding that dream?"

"What about it?"

"You haven't told me how you realised."

“I don’t remember….”


“It involved plants and Bond. That is all I am going to say.”

Aziraphale laugh “Of course it did.”

Aziraphale pulled Crowley into another kiss while laughing and despite Crowley’s “shut up”s.

"I really think I love you, you bastard."

"I really know I love you, you serpent."

Second and third prompt:

I love the fact that Aziraphale gets the visit of other angels, and Gabriel and Michael relationship with him has always haunt me.
Because of this and because he is hanging with Crowley (of course) he gets nervous and turns Crowley into his serpent form, and puts him in a graded place.  Poor Crowley he has to wait until the angels leave to go out.

2.- In a situation, Aziraphale has to carry Snake!Crowley in one of these colorful plastic kritter keeper cages.
3.- Hastur and Ligur came to Earth to give Crowley an assignment right? What about other angel/angels from heaven drops by the bookshop to give Aziraphale an assignment but Crowley ends up going to the bookshop at the same time and the angel just FREAKS OUT.

2015 exchange, 2015 gifts, rating: g

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