The Great Reveal and the 2012 Fic and Art Masterlist!

Jan 13, 2013 20:59

Here we go: the veil is removed! Here is a full master-list of every gift given during the 2012 Exchange, as well as who created them.

Go forth and re-post, catch up on anything you've missed, thank your gifters and betas by name, and, by all means, COMMENT!

December 1: Fic

Technical Difficulties, for conjure_lass, by irisbleufic. Aziraphale/Crowley, NC-17, Long distance fail!sex involving Crowley, Aziraphale, and their respective webcams; lots of laughter and good humor, please.

December 2: Art

Christmas Eve Will Find Me, for thecrazyalaskan, by peach_megumi. Aziraphale and Crowley at Christmas during WWII; rated G.

December 3: Fic

Il Tempo Sempre Volgara, for hsavinien, by pasiphile. Fem!Aziraphale/Fem!Crowley, NC-17, set in 18th-century Venice.

December 4: Art and Fic

Tipping the Scales, for Karpfeneis, by sejitsu. Aziraphale/Crowley, G, Aziraphale is turned into a snake for a change. Also featuring houseplants.

December 5: Fic

Four Corners Has the World, and Four Winds, for malicehaughton, by hsavinien. Adam/Pepper/Wensleydale/Brian, NC-17. The Them find a relationship form that works for Them.

December 6: Art

Arrangement Assembled for sirius_luva, by lynndyre. Avengers crossover with Aziraphale and Crowley, G

December 7: Fic

Peary and the Pole, for argyleheir, by rroselavy. Aziraphale/Crowley, PG. "Tell me about the time Aziraphale and Crowley accidently joined an Arctic exploration team and made a delightful muck of things."

December 8: Fic

Big, Vast, Complicated, and Ridiculous, for chinquix, by htebazytook. Doctor Who crossover, Aziraphale/Crowley, R. Set after The Angels Take Manhattan.

December 9: Art

Two Untitled Art Pieces for rroselavy, by teaandtimecake. Aziraphale/Crowley, PG. There's a kitten, and there's cuddling.

December 10: Fic

Signed, Stamped, and Delivered (In Triplicate), for lilbanili, by aviss. Crowley and Hell's bureaucracy, gen, PG.

December 11: Art

Two Worlds, for V2113, by Alice. Aziraphale and Crowley, role reversal and symmetry, G.

December 12: Fic

From the Void Abyss by Myriads Came, for mybrokenlocket, by cinaed. Aziraphale and Crowley, gen, PG. Aziraphale and Crowley on a manned spacecraft expedition to meet an alien race.

December 13: Fic

Legends, for pasiphile, by shinobi_mi_chan. War/Alexander the Great, R.

December 14: Fic

Between the Covers, for teaandtimecake, by mybrokenlocket. Aziraphale/Crowley, Madame Tracy, Newt, Anathema, Brian, Wensleydale, and a guilty secret involving romance novels.

December 15: Fic

And Pardon'd the Deceiver, for eldanis, by irisbleufic. Aziraphale/Crowley, R, the pitfalls of Shakespearean performance.

December 16: Fic

VPON THY BELLY SHALT THOU GOE, for _silverfox, by tomato_greens. Aziraphale/Crowley, the Horsepersons, PG. Eerie.

December 17: Fic

Appreciation, for peach_megumi, by shenaniganders. Aziraphale/Crowley, NC-17. Historical long view of the development of the Arrangement.

December 18: Fic

The Best of Both Worlds, for hekateras, by V2113. Aziraphale/Crowley, PG, battle and Foe Yay in Biblical times.

December 19: Art

Cassette Quarrelling, for irisbleufic, by eldanis. Aziraphale/Crowley, the Bentley, G. What it says on the tin!

December 20: Fic

Never Mind the Gravitation, for htebazytook, by argyleheir. Aziraphale and Crowley on Mars; PG

December 21: Art

Weighing Options Over Morning Tea, for Alice, by aeske. Aziraphale/Crawly, G.

December 22: Art

Allons-y!, for shinobi_mi_chan, by mrbluesky. Doctor Who crossover, G, Aziraphale, Crowley, the Tenth Doctor, Rose, Weeping Angels.

December 24: Fic

Shame, for interrobam, by aten_ra. Aziraphale/Crowley, NC-17, BDSM, humiliation.

December 25: Fic

That Time They Raised the Messiah, for tomato_greens, by song_lin. Aziraphale/Crowley, PG-13, raising a very special child.

December 26: Comic

Thinking Outside the Box, for knacc, by Karpfeneis. Crossover with Sherlock and Doctor Who; PG. Aziraphale/Crowley, Sherlock Holmes, the Ninth Doctor, and Rose.

December 27: Fic

Three short fics:

Flamingos (Aziraphale/Crowley in Vegas, PG-13)

A Brief History of Dead Trees (Aziraphale and Crowley in Heaven before the Fall, PG)

St Joseph of Cupertino, Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles, and the Legacy of James Bond (Crowley-centric, PG) Harry Potterverse fusion AU.

All for mrbluesky, by interrobam

December 28: Fic

The Real University Experience, for googlebrat, by knacc. The Them at University, T/PG.

December 29: Fic

Keep Out of Reach of Children, for aviss, by lilbanili. Aziraphale/Crowley and an ill-advised demon summoning, PG-13.

December 30: Fic

Counting Blessings, for lynndyre, by hekateras. Aziraphale and Crowley, miracles, PG-13

December 31: Mods' Night Off

January 1: Fic

The Disappointed Poet, for quantum_witch, by _silverfox. Aziraphale/Crowley, PG-13, an embarrassing situation involving homoerotic literature.

January 2: Fic

Beateatudes, for sejitsu, by miscellanny. Aziraphale/Crowley, G, coffee-shop AU.

January 3: Fic

The Form of an Apple, for keksdiebin, by irisbleufic. Aziraphale/Crowley, PG-13/R. Love in the time of bubonic plague.

January 4: Fic

Expect the Unexpected, for song_lin, by googlebrat. Newt/Anathema, PG-13.

January 5: Fic

New Skin for the Old Ceremony, for aten_ra, by vulgarweed. Aziraphale/Crowley, NC-17, Dresden Files crossover with snakeskin/shapeshifter kink.

January 6: Comic

Time in a Teapot, for aeske, by quantum_witch. Aziraphale/Crowley, PG, sleeping through the 19th century.

January 7: Fic

Dinners in King Arthur's Court, for vulgarweed, by puokki. Aziraphale/Crowley, NC-17, Lucifer and Sandman crossover, Arthurian.

January 8: Fic

For I Am Come to Send Fire on the Earth, for puokki, by tomato_greens. Aziraphale/Crowley, New Testament.

January 9: Fic

Not Always the Same Joke, for cinaed, by vulgarweed. Aziraphale/Crowley, OFC/OFC, PG. Inspired by the Dar Williams song 'Alleluia."

January 10: Fic

Fish Out of Water, for miscellanny, by irisbleufic. Brian/Wensleydale, PG-13

January 11: Illustrated Fic

Tea & Anarchy, for shenaniganders, by irisbleufic and eldanis. Aziraphale/Crowley, Adam, Anathema, R/NC-17, tea-house AU.

January 13: Fic

In Equal Ruin, for The Good Omens Exchange community, by darlinghalcyon. (Aziraphale and Crowley, His Dark Materials crossover, PG).

Thank you, THANK YOU to everyone who participated in this, the Eighth Year of GOE (and all years before, and all years to come)!

You make all the work worthwhile, year after year ♥

If there are any mistakes, for Someone's sake, let us know!

2012 exchange, reveal!, modly announcements

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