Title: From the Desk of Daisy Plumpton, Secretary to Mr. Dursley
Fandom: Harry Potter
Subject: Grunnings letterhead
Media: ArtRage, Photoshop, Font:
Kimberley Notes: Miss Plumpton fills the dull stretch between 2:30 and 4:15 pm plotting the slow demise of her boss.
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Comments 18
That doodle paper is awesome. At first glance I thought she had him laid out under a tree, but then I realized what it was. :D
Ha! That's fabulous!
I particularly like the atomic bomb next to the note to call Mr. Sprockets (great name! makes me think of a robot).
It reminds me of my notebook after a vendor meeting. Except my drawings tend to be stick men voodoo dolls with pins drawn through their eyes, and doddles in the corner saying "kill me now!!!" and one of the other analysts writing "no! kill me first!!!".
Thank you! Heh, I was thinking of The Jetsons there, and I forgot that that guy's name is actually Spacely.
2) How wrong it is that I now want to read a very wrong-bad-dirty and yet well-written smutty mashup of Harry Potter and Secretary, starring Uncle Vernon in the role of James Spader (and god knows who as Maggie Gyllenhaal. Maybe Mollie Sugden)? It would stretch even the extremely elastic limits of HP-acceptable sex. (I mean, if Voldie can get himself sexed, why not Vernon?)
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