Readdown, food, horrible horror

Feb 18, 2007 10:56

About Harry Potter:

The anticipation for Book 7 is causing a frantic little sad feeling in my heart, knowing that the fandom will change, will never again have the same sense of endless potential. I'd like to do a readdown of the series before The End comes, and over the past few days I've heard mention of four such comms: deathly_cntdwn, hp_reread, hp162, and hp7_readdown. [ETA: 162_days, read_hpRead more... )

fandom: supernatural, food, memes, fandom: harry potter, rl, canon reaction & review

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Comments 9

la_onza February 18 2007, 18:27:53 UTC
I'm watching hp_reread because it's popular with my flist, and I'm hoping to do some rereading and discussing, though I haven't done much yet. :) I just don't have much to say about the first chapters of SS, I guess, except, "cute!"


gnatkip February 20 2007, 02:32:46 UTC
Great! Thank you, I friended that one.


nixwilliams February 18 2007, 22:24:49 UTC
DEVOUR! jake: it was half-man, half-woman. nixwilliams and angstslashhope: O_______o NO, DUDE, IT WAS A MONSTER WITH HORNS AND CLAWS AND SCARY PROTRUSIONS.

ahahahaha! oh god! devour! *goes to place of crack* *not necessarily the good crack* . . . must watch cry_wolf (omgwtfunderscore?)


gnatkip February 20 2007, 02:37:43 UTC
Ha! That part did not even register with me. I was too busy trying to deal with the overall craziness for any one constituent piece of crazy to stand out.

Cry_Wolf is kinda fun, if only for the wankcentrism of Jared's character. I still haven't seen House of Wax, but I just don't know if I can stomach all the Paris Hilton.


orange_bastard February 19 2007, 01:07:26 UTC
Sriracha is so good...I wish I could still have it. (had to give up hot foods)

About the pasta: that's funny ^__^


gnatkip February 20 2007, 02:40:02 UTC
Aw, that's too bad. Hot things are so nice, aren't they? They hurt so good.


Høne i peberrod fools_trifle February 19 2007, 13:27:27 UTC
Traditional Danish recipe:

Take a hen and cook it until teh meat comes away from the bones. Make a white sauce (using some butter, flour and about a cupful of the soup - the rest goes into plastic bags and then in the freezer), and add thick, fresh cream. Add salt, pepper, a little sugar and lemon juice to taste. Add the meat in large chunks, remove from the heat and put in lots of freshly grated horseradish. Serve with e.g. potatoes, carrots and leeks.

I'm not sure about your cooking enthusiasm, but I hope this is detailed enough to follow if you feel like trying?


Re: Høne i peberrod gnatkip February 20 2007, 02:49:24 UTC
Oh, YUM, this sounds so good, thank you! All warm and creamy and comforting, yet zippy. I have never used fresh horseradish, only the kind that's been pre-grated and... (hm, is it pickled?) And of course, the prepared sauce which is sold as a sandwich spread. I've wanted to try growing some. I hear that you have to use a pot to contain its roots or else it'll take over.

*hugs* I'm sorry you've been poorly. *sends transatlantic good vibes*


Re: Høne i peberrod fools_trifle February 20 2007, 16:47:22 UTC
You should try growing it! You just stick a piece of root in the ground and it takes over the entire garden within a few years - piece of cake ;P

*soaks up healing vibes* ♥


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