fic: Chemistry (Masterpost)

Aug 17, 2013 09:58

Title: Chemistry
Author: glovered
Rating: R
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Summary: Jensen reminds himself that there's absolutely nothing wrong with a platonic jerk-off scene between brothers. And there’s nothing platonic about his feelings for Jared.



I always begin writing J2 fic with really great intentions and then everything dissolves into hearts about Jared and Jensen. Anyway, bewaretheides15 wrote a glorious wincest-is-canon fill once, and I loved it. This is probably nothing like it, but therein lies the inspiration.

As always, there are a ton of people who contributed to this in some way. The collaborate effort is one of my favorite things about fandom.

Thank you so, so much to darkangelcel for the book cover art! Go send her love and sunshine when her post is up! ♥ ♥ I'm so happy to have worked with you!

Lovely people: faithgrowsold (who also made the Twitter reactions at the end because she is perf), samsnow, creepy-secret, and my sisters discussed this with me over coffee/hookah. Following which, I threw myself at the feet of my awesome betas, at the very last minute of course despite how they all separately suggested, very nicely, "maybe you could finish in July and then you’d have a few weeks of stress-free editing." Those people include lavishsqualor, riyku, oddishly, and britomart_is. They are good people, and all remaining mistakes are my own!

And finally: Thank you to the spn_j2_bigbang mods for being letting me post 2 days late /o/ and being awesome, and de-nugis said to put chocolate and cherries on Sam’s chest! So I did it!

fic, j2

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