[fic] Dick/Tim novella

Aug 23, 2007 17:34

Is that it? Am I done?

Title: From your memory to this instant; Or, Forensics
Spoilers/setting: OYL + a year or so. ( more )

dick grayson, fic - comics, schindleriana, catwoman, tim drake, jason todd, boyslash

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Comments 38

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glossing August 25 2007, 16:29:05 UTC
Thank you! I worked long and hard on this and I'm so happy it worked for you.

how it all came back to Tim
*beams* I wear my tinhat with pride.


wachey August 24 2007, 13:41:35 UTC
Wow...that fic, was fantastic!!! So enjoyable!! I felt every emotion going through this fic!! It's just wonderful!!


glossing August 25 2007, 16:31:38 UTC
I'm so happy you enjoyed this! Thanks very much!


dark_eyed_brat August 24 2007, 16:38:04 UTC
I cannot state how much I enjoyed reading this story, it shows how much effort and focus you put into it. I really loved how Jason came out in this piece: campy, deadly, funny, and smart in his own way. I think you gave all of these characters a lot of depth, I feel like I know them all better just by reading this.

I would like to offer something concrete and not just gush, but everything flows really well. I am glad that the relationship progresses as it does and doesn't feel forced. I thought th plot was creative and different, especially the little twist at the end.



glossing August 25 2007, 16:38:41 UTC
Oh, my -- thank you! This is such generous feedback. ♥

I am glad that the relationship progresses as it does and doesn't feel forced.
*nodnod* I was surprised, as a matter of fact, when I got to the middle of plotting and started worrying I was piling up too much angst.


dark_eyed_brat August 26 2007, 01:55:34 UTC
I didn't think so, since the characters were dead on I think the natural angst of their situation came out right.

It all comes out down to the characters, and it was just so good. I get intimidated by Dick, there is so much history there that it seems hard to work with it all.


unholyglee August 25 2007, 15:26:29 UTC
Oh, man. My computer wigged out shortly after I finished this last night, so I don't have my notes anymore. I'll just have to wing it.

First off all, Oh Jason, how are you campier than all the drag queens at Stonewall put together? And why do I love your crazy broken ass for it? And helping Dick out! I maintain he was bored and had nothing better to do because any other reason would mean he CARED and Jaybird can't have rumors like that getting around, now can he?

My first reaction to the pictures was that Tim sent them, so I spent the whole story going "C'mon Dick, quit looking and actually SEE what's in front of you." I'm glad he finally got there because man are preconceived notions hard to break. And how much do I love how Dick's version of gay club differs from EVERYONE ELSE'S in this story? That boy's a go-go dancer waiting to happen, I tell ya.

Oh, I had other things and I can't remember, but just know that I'm glad this finally came to light. ♥


glossing August 25 2007, 18:20:16 UTC
I'm *so* happy you liked this, dude. It completely took over my brain - as I'm sure you noticed - and having it out in the world now is spookifying *and* happymaking.

Oh Jason, how are you campier than all the drag queens at Stonewall put together?
Lazarus Pit, then tentacles! Boy never stood a *chance*. I agree that it must have been boredom that drove him to investigate, since, OF COURSE, he hates Dick and sneers at the faker.

"C'mon Dick, quit looking and actually SEE what's in front of you."
GLEE! I worried I was being too hard on him, but he wriggles so prettily on the hook.

how much do I love how Dick's version of gay club differs from EVERYONE ELSE'S in this story? That boy's a go-go dancer waiting to happen, I tell ya.
YAY. He's the World's Finest Twink, he truly is. He just doesn't quite know it yet.

If I may, if it's okay, can I ask how Pete worked for you here? And thank you, so very much! *hearts*


unholyglee August 25 2007, 19:03:42 UTC
I just. TENTACLES? WHAT? Clearly I need to read more on one Jason Todd. And yes, hates them all. Would never do anything to actually help them with their privilege and all. Like they'd need his help, anyway. Buncha paranoid rich Daddy's boys. Also? That detail about how he'd hunched his shoulders like a dog that expects to be kicked (or something to that effect) when he was all "stay and watch porn, dickie" was just. OH JASON. C'MON HOME ( ... )


glossing August 25 2007, 19:15:04 UTC
TENTACLES. In the first arc of Nightwing OYL (an arc of which I AM THE ONLY FAN, EVER, OMG), Jay got...tentacles. And then he left. It was very moving. *cracks up*

You were a bit hard on Dick,
*dies again* The jokes just never get unfunny. And, yeah, I was. Poor guy. He's ALSO the only one who'd bounce back, I think that's how I justified being so mean to him.

he acts all clueless and "I just came to dance, you know?" and pulls several of them on the floor but ends up dancing most of the time with Tim
YES PLEASE OMG. And drag!Jason is both horrifying and *entrancing*, I can't help myself.

I felt tired by the end of that scene, but that's probably because I was strongly identifying with Dick by that point.
*pats* Thanks very much for answering my question - since you've read the other Pete stuff, I wanted to see if he worked as a minor character. And, yes, that scene drained me *so hard*. I avoided writing it, then I had to, and I wanted to curl up and cry afterward.


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glossing August 26 2007, 00:47:26 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed!

I'm a wuss, too, and it's always perplexing when moods affect my work, but I *really* wanted this project to be less dark. Keeping the bat offscreen helped immensely toward that. *g*

this Dick, slutty and kind of dumb in the super-smart batfamily and not quite understanding why smart people complicate things so.
Dick's not slutty! He's just...very giving. With the touch and the blowjobs and such. *nods* But, no, he really doesn't get why his family needs to make everything so damn complicated. Everyone just needs to loosen up and hug it out.

Thank you!


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