[fic] Dick/Tim novella

Aug 23, 2007 17:34

Is that it? Am I done?

Title: From your memory to this instant; Or, Forensics
Spoilers/setting: OYL + a year or so. ( more)
Rating: Adult
Medium: DC Comics: Gotham
Summary: Dick stops fronting and trusts Tim. Maybe that's backwards.
Disclaimer: Dick, Tim, and other Gothamites belong to DC; Pete, to J.R. Baker. This is fanfic; don't sue.
Notes: Title from Fugazi, "Forensic Scene". Samantha, G., Kate & Jube all held my hand, read scene-drafts, and egged me on throughout the summer. G. brainstormed plot and lyrics with me, pondered birdboy mysteries, and sharpened Jason brilliantly. Jube & Kate shared their dear Pete; they also indefatigably talked music, tinhats, and craft, and never failed to challenge me. And they beta'ed this. I have the best friends in the world; I love them all and can't thank them enough.

Read it here (224Kb).

More on setting and spoilers: This story takes place a couple years, give or take, after Infinite Crisis. While it's not necessary to have followed OYL canon to understand this, here's what's what. The fic follows canon through *52* and early OYL arcs in ROBIN, CATWOMAN, NIGHTWING, OUTSIDERS and JLA before it diverges. COUNTDOWN and the OYL stories in the main Bat-books (DetC & BATMAN) are not taken into account, nor is F:FMA 13.

In other words, Tim was adopted by Bruce; Selina Kyle did have a baby girl and Holly Robinson is Catwoman; and Dick is living in New York and working at a ritzy gym. Bruce's Taliaspawn doesn't exist and Bart runs on.

These two scans are crucial:

ROBIN 155CHECKMATE 13; click for full image (430 Kb)

dick grayson, fic - comics, schindleriana, catwoman, tim drake, jason todd, boyslash

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