[fandom] if I could quit you, we'd both be happier

Aug 01, 2007 09:57

In all my linkhopping, I can't remember where I read a snarky comment about how racism discussions always result in people breaking out their "token Black person" icons. So Leila NoName* is now my default; I've been using her often enough that we might as well make it official ( Read more... )

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Comments 76

jubilancy August 1 2007, 14:02:40 UTC
It's okay, though, they called her Leila Taylor in v1, too. Unfortunately the first example I saw of it was a Snap issue. I remembered the issue number for once, though, because I knew you were looking for her last name -- #184.

I can't remember where I read a snarky comment about how racism discussions always result in people breaking out their "token Black person" icons.

I was wondering when someone was going to comment on this.


glossing August 1 2007, 14:06:50 UTC
OH! Okay, this is good to know. I still like the sound of "Leila NoName", though. There's something very Black Power about it.

I was wondering when someone was going to comment on this.
Yeah. :/
So, is my Onyx icon now my token one? Or one of my Eli icons? MAYBE STAN.


jubilancy August 1 2007, 14:18:17 UTC
All I know is that Eli would be pretty annoyed at being called a token of ANYTHING.

I like the sound of Leila NoName too, which is why I didn't say anything before!

I think my number one choice that I hope others would pick was Faith/Leila (Sept 5), but now I'm weirdly hoping that someone would go for Gabe/Dino* (Sept 13) or Peggy/Gabe (Sept 1). The one I *know* I'd have to write myself if I wanted it would be the Promethea one (Sept 24).

*Although I wish I'd picked Reb instead for the other half.


glossing August 1 2007, 14:21:16 UTC
Aww, you should've said something! I would have handled it well okay.

I am seriously considering the Peggy/Gabe one. And not just because they are awesome, nor because I love the song. It's just calling to me.

oh god now i want tommy to call eli the token Black on the team and see them ALL beat him down. that's wrong, isn't it?


inlovewithnight August 1 2007, 14:07:18 UTC
If nobody claims my Frank Pembleton one, there will be tears. My other weirdo requests I can live with getting overlooked, but Fraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank.

Regarding the word- a few of my friends didn't know it, but their immediate response on reading it was to go look it up and *find out*. Which...you know, is the logical and sane thing. So. Um, my friends for the win? I don't know. I don't think anybody wins here. Sigh.


glossing August 1 2007, 14:09:52 UTC
I don't think anybody wins here.
witchqueen wins, I'm sure. Everyone else? Not so much.

I just - I know that the educational system is shit, but it's frankly scary as *hell* that this was an unfamiliar word/concept to otherwise well-meaning people.


derryderrydown August 1 2007, 14:45:41 UTC
I suspect I'm in the same position as a lot of non-Americans, where the concept is familiar but the word isn't. Which I think is understandable, considering it's an American word.

*breaks out another Token CoC Icon*


glossing August 1 2007, 14:50:55 UTC
Oh, definitely - that's why I tried to specify American fans. Even cultural imperialism has its distinct limits. :P


raveninthewind August 1 2007, 14:07:53 UTC
I remain utterly baffled by how (white) USian fans *didn't* know the word in question. Espeically when you consider how many of us in fandom are of "mature" years, and therefore should have been closer to the events of degegregation than, say, a teenager. Historical memory, you have failed us.

Re the CoC prompts--I hope someone writes the Ultraviolet Vaughn story. *crosses fingers*


glossing August 1 2007, 14:11:01 UTC
Espeically when you consider how many of us in fandom are of "mature" years
YES! Surely we've all channel-surfed past a PBS or CBC documentary?

Oooh, I hadn't notice the UV prompt. It's been forever since I watched it, and now I'm *hungry*.


fox1013 August 1 2007, 14:16:01 UTC
People don't know words because they are stupid. STUPID.

Also? For the record? I have been ignoring my icons of color in favor of my stupid white people icon. (*points*) Is that the same thing, d'you think?


glossing August 1 2007, 14:19:09 UTC
You said it! And I reply: AMEN.

Is that the same thing, d'you think?
There's a visual-culture dissertation in here about choice of icons and meanings ascribed to them. I'll just use *my* irresponsible white people icon and snug you. :D


spuzz August 1 2007, 14:22:41 UTC
I remain utterly baffled by how (white) USian fans *didn't* know the word in question.

And that is the reason I hate people. *twinkly sounds* The more you know.


glossing August 1 2007, 14:24:03 UTC
It's definitely one of my top-five reasons for hating right now, yep!

*bonds with Mositas*


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