In all my linkhopping, I can't remember where I read a snarky comment about how racism discussions always result in people breaking out their "token Black person" icons. So Leila NoName* is now my default; I've been using her often enough that we might as well make it official
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Regarding the word- a few of my friends didn't know it, but their immediate response on reading it was to go look it up and *find out*. know, is the logical and sane thing. So. Um, my friends for the win? I don't know. I don't think anybody wins here. Sigh.
witchqueen wins, I'm sure. Everyone else? Not so much.
I just - I know that the educational system is shit, but it's frankly scary as *hell* that this was an unfamiliar word/concept to otherwise well-meaning people.
*breaks out another Token CoC Icon*
And I've just been looking at the prompts for the CoC Fest and I am hovering protectively over the Sept 2 Tosh/Martha one. MINE. IS MINE. Want, want, want.
er, aside from my little pixelated interpretation of myself, QL is all I got in terms of poc icons. I'm sure this says something unsavory about me. or something.
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