[fic] for thete1: The Triple-Cross (World's Sleaziest OT3)

Jul 07, 2007 17:40

Title: The Triple-Cross
Characters: World's Sleaziest—Gary Glanz, Matches Malone, & Pete the Penman
Summary: The con is complicated, but not half so much as the geometry among these three.
Rating: Adult Filthy
Disclaimer: DC, not me.
Notes: I ignored Waid's Birthright, in that Clark's not a vegetarian. Enormous thanks to romanyg for bringing Pete the ( Read more... )

tim drake, bruce wayne, boyslash, threesome, fic - comics, fic of the absurd, robin, matches malone, superman, clark kent

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Comments 44

unholyglee July 8 2007, 06:11:45 UTC
Criminy grits, woman. Could you get any freakier? And if you did, could it be any righter? More right? Something. Words. [flails]


glossing July 10 2007, 13:16:05 UTC
I could try for greater freakiness, but I don't think the results would be all that pretty. *g*

Thanks, you!


saavikam77 July 8 2007, 06:30:50 UTC
That was so unbelievable cracktastic I don't even know where to begin! I have to admit I was a little lost in the premise at first, but that's my fault for being so new to DC and WF in general. O_o Once I had it all figured out, I just sat back and enjoyed all the little teases and nudges, and touching and swatting.... and.... O_O Whoa....

That was some intense identity porn, and inherently fucked up, from start to finish. This part had me up against the wall:

"No, errands for the Red Hood. Couple beheadings, shoot some mules, blow him in the back of a cab...the usual."

Holy shit. *dies*

This whole piece.... damn.... Just, the way you used language - their language - and how they would perceive things or think about things as those characters was the perfect way to shift the meanings into a base, animalistic realm. Bravo!!!


glossing July 10 2007, 13:27:27 UTC
I'm just sitting here *beaming*, all but glowing, at your comment - thank you so very much. I'm glad that you stuck with it after floundering at first - and if there's anything I still didn't make clear, do give me a shout, ok?

their language - and how they would perceive things or think about things as those characters was the perfect way to shift the meanings into a base, animalistic realm
GAH! That's what I wanted to do, yes. Thank you!


saavikam77 July 10 2007, 19:45:02 UTC
The thing that really tripped me up was not realizing that Matches was Bruce. I think if I'd realized that sooner, it all would have clicked. I was also wondering, was the whole setup a dual function act? As in, taking down the Asian mafioso with the forgery scam, with the side benefit of playing the roles to let go of their hang ups and just do it already? :p That's what I figured anyway, just wanted to be sure.

Thanks! And thanks again for the awesome crack! ^_^


jubilancy July 8 2007, 17:39:17 UTC
I'm really impressed by the sweaty dedication to character you've given to Bruce and Tim without ever letting them break character to show us Bruce and Tim being determined, just as I really like the hints that Clark knows how to find the exit even if he isn't going there yet, what with lines in which you talk about *if* someone had Superman's powers. It's particularly great because the very notion of "saving" Gary belongs to a part of Clark that he's put on the back burner. I am also in hysterics over Matches' talking about Gary as a piece of boneless chicken!

I love that Pete-edging-into-Clark thinks that the only truth in the situation can be found by stripping the others out of their borrowed clothes, as if the dress-up went no deeper with them.


glossing July 10 2007, 13:30:18 UTC
Thank you, dearheart. *So* much.

Gary Tim *is* the tastiest piece of chicken in Greater Gotham. I thought we were all on the same page about that...? (That's the line that made me make the Cooper-romcom analogy, actually. *g*)

as if the dress-up went no deeper with them
Clark can be as dedicated to selective forgetfulness and partial perception as Bruce, I think.


carla_scribbles July 8 2007, 21:52:11 UTC
... okay, so I'm really intrigued by your prose style, actually, in ways I can't quite put my finger on -- it feels different to your older stuff, but I'm not sure how. Less ornate, maybe, but that's still not the right word.

And that said -- good god, woman.


glossing July 10 2007, 13:33:55 UTC
My style is *definitely* undergoing a lot of changes, both conscious and not - I'm really touched that you noticed. (After avoiding posting about this, I started gatehring my thoughts on style &c. over here, if you're interested.)

good god, woman
I know. MADNESS. *g*


OK, I haven't finished yet rubynye July 9 2007, 02:33:16 UTC
I haven't finished because I got up to the job being "as big as a Mother's love" and found I was hyperventilating sufficiently that I could not SEE.

But I'm going to finish this story. Even if it kills me with gleeful anoxia. Which it just might.


Re: OK, I haven't finished yet glossing July 10 2007, 13:38:36 UTC
*beams at you*
I already told you that this made my night, but it bears repeating. *g*


Re: OK, I haven't finished yet rubynye July 12 2007, 01:15:21 UTC
This story! This story has made my week, it broke my brain and reassembled it differently! This is a piece of magnificent insanity, and I just--- oh, I'm trying not to flail. Just all the places where Pete is so earnestly humanly limited, and when that finally breaks through, and that gamine Gary, and Matches' sheer and utter Matchesness. And the coda, the beautiful coda.

This is glorious, it really is. You are just splendid beyond all telling.


Re: OK, I haven't finished yet glossing July 12 2007, 13:32:58 UTC
it broke my brain and reassembled it differently
Believe me when I say that this is, above all else, the BEST FEEDBACK I could dream of. You've managed to make me feel like I achieved my primary goal for *all* fanfic. Wow, thank you.

And I love how you've described them all here; the descriptions make me beam with pride.

Thank you, Ny-baby. Very, very much.


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