[fic] Knowledge of the Hand (Tina Drake, PG: Daddy Sharp-Ears, for MMoM)

May 03, 2007 19:11

Title: Knowledge of the Hand
Media: Daddy Sharp-Ears (Uber/fusion of DC Comics [Gotham] and Jean Webster's Daddy Long-Legs)
Characters: Tina Drake and Jane Todd
Rating: PG, if that.
Length: 1700 words
Disclaimer: I am neither DC nor Miss Webster.
Notes: For jubilancy, without whom Dickie would be impossible, with much love. thete1 a while ago suggested Jane's ( Read more... )

mmom, fic - comics, tim drake, girlslash, dse, jason todd

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Comments 27

petronelle May 4 2007, 00:57:32 UTC
I find this AU enchanting and wish to press it to my bosom.

Tina's voice is most evocative, and her secret desires entirely understandable to the sympathetic mind.


glossing May 4 2007, 01:00:49 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed; these bluestockings own my *heart* in a way that even Master Brucie would be hardpressed to understand.

Thank you!


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glossing May 4 2007, 01:02:06 UTC
That's my favorite, too. *grins*

Thanks very much for giving this a try - I'm very grateful.


inlovewithnight May 4 2007, 01:34:15 UTC
Oh, that's delightful. ::hearts madly::

And no equestri-problems that I saw. :)


glossing May 4 2007, 01:39:31 UTC
Oh, thank hell! And thank *you* for putting up with my wibbling throughout the day; I'm sorry I'm so procrastinate-y and I hope I didn't hold you up.



oneangrykate May 4 2007, 04:02:45 UTC
Oh, this is all sorts of delightful, especially since I've been peering with awe at you and J. when you play in this particular sandbox. In short, this is wonderful, and naughty in a refined sort of way.

Oh, Tina, you little priss. <3333333333


glossing May 4 2007, 13:07:01 UTC
*glee* This sandbox is far too much fun, and terribly wrong in just about every conceivable way.

wonderful, and naughty in a refined sort of way
My work here is done, then. Yay!

Thank you so much - Tina is a prissy enigma wrapped in the latest Paris fashions, yes. *heart*


solvent90 May 4 2007, 10:28:05 UTC
Ohmygod. I mean. I'm only vaguely familiar with this particular book, but this still feels like one of those stories I've been waiting for forever. I read so many of those Wholesome Stories For Girls when I was younger, and found them so frustrating and fascinating at the same time, and this just. *flails* It's so perfect, with the class issues, and Tina's incredible voice, and the imagery, wow. This, especially:

Behind her, diminishing with each moment, lay the campus with her cruel roommates and idiot professors, uncouth stablehands and essays to be written. Before her lay only the sky and the water, twinned and silvered expanses of possibilities.I don't know, it captures and multiplies something about the feel of those stories, breathlessness and nostalgia. And that's not even mentioning the Batverse characterisations, Tina and Jane and Dickie OMG; and riding as kind of Robin-ing on a meta level, and aaaaaaaaaaaa. Aaaa. I love this universe so much, and I can't understand how you managed to realise it so completely in under 2000 ( ... )


glossing May 4 2007, 13:14:20 UTC
I'm only vaguely familiar with this particular book, but this still feels like one of those stories I've been waiting for forever.
Oh, my, thank you. When I reread the book, after Jube compared it to Bruce/Dick, I couldn't not see every single parallel, but the "orphan and guardian hopelessly enthralled with each other" was, naturally, the key. There's just something about the quasi-historical setting and genderswitch that made this even more fun to write, even if I felt like L.M. Montgomery on acid at times.

with the class issues, and Tina's incredible voiceSomehow, making the class issues front and center, concretizing them in a way, made it easier/more fun? I don't know, I'm still pondering that. And Tina owns me; when Jube & I write Dickie's POV, she's convinced Tina dislikes her. LITTLE DOES SHE KNOW. *g ( ... )


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