[fic] Knowledge of the Hand (Tina Drake, PG: Daddy Sharp-Ears, for MMoM)

May 03, 2007 19:11

Title: Knowledge of the Hand
Media: Daddy Sharp-Ears (Uber/fusion of DC Comics [Gotham] and Jean Webster's Daddy Long-Legs)
Characters: Tina Drake and Jane Todd
Rating: PG, if that.
Length: 1700 words
Disclaimer: I am neither DC nor Miss Webster.
Notes: For jubilancy, without whom Dickie would be impossible, with much love. thete1 a while ago suggested Jane's ( Read more... )

mmom, fic - comics, tim drake, girlslash, dse, jason todd

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glossing May 4 2007, 13:14:20 UTC
I'm only vaguely familiar with this particular book, but this still feels like one of those stories I've been waiting for forever.
Oh, my, thank you. When I reread the book, after Jube compared it to Bruce/Dick, I couldn't not see every single parallel, but the "orphan and guardian hopelessly enthralled with each other" was, naturally, the key. There's just something about the quasi-historical setting and genderswitch that made this even more fun to write, even if I felt like L.M. Montgomery on acid at times.

with the class issues, and Tina's incredible voice
Somehow, making the class issues front and center, concretizing them in a way, made it easier/more fun? I don't know, I'm still pondering that. And Tina owns me; when Jube & I write Dickie's POV, she's convinced Tina dislikes her. LITTLE DOES SHE KNOW. *g*

I'm especially happy to hear that the imagery and style worked all right for you - I tried to let myself go, but I was alternately wincing and cackling madly as I typed, you know?

The *one* parallel I hadn't been able to establish was what a Robin is in this universe, beyond a ward-in-some-sense of Bruce Wayne, so riding-as-flying was the best I could do.

Thank you, sweetness, so much. This feedback has filled me with pure joy.


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