Title: Perfect Example (
Pairing: Bruce/Tim, age-reversed
Setting: Sins of Youth
Rating: Aged up to adult
Summary: "I'll put it in the past when the past is history."
Disclaimer: DC, not me.
Notes: Right. This is loosely connected to the Jason/Tim
Terms of Psychic Warfare and the unwritten Bruce/Tim ephebeophilia saga of ahhhngst. It can,
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Comments 14
(Psst: Finally wrote drabbles :) )
Nice fic. Not how I'd see Batman as a teen, and not how I'd see Robin reacting to the situation (too lacking in setup/momentum for me) but I gave it a try.
he pushed and pushed --.
Into Robin, all of them, away from his own body, deep and deeper *inside*.
The meta implications of that in particular are just dazzling. So wonderful. I will be rereading when I need some quality brain-breakage.
Also I continue to love your phrasing and the precision of your imagery - to pick an example almost at random, that image of Gotham as tangled lights and shadowy spires is just so beautiful.
My friend and I had been discussing the JLU episode "Kid Play", particularly the child!Bruce, and Tim's hypothetical reactions to him. It really does kill me how our discussion and some of the characterization in this fic mesh.
I didn't realize till now that 0 is an even number.
It seems to me that this story, in inverting Batman/Robin, presents the essence of Batman/Robin, especially Batman/even-numbered-Robin. That sounds pretentious; I don't mean it to be. I just had to process a lot to get from "Bruce as Jay oh my God I will DIE."
Batman can't refuse Robin.
Not when it matters.
That's the hub and the axis and the awesomeness and the terror of the whole thing, isn't it?
As ever, I could pull out quotations, but I'd have to refrain from trying to cram the whole story into the buffer.But oh, my God, the way you *write*.
"I don't think you'd appreciate the shorts," Batman said. "Not if you're going to fall into hedges everywhere you go." Oh, glee.
The identity porn and the layers you have going on here thrill me to no end.(This was also kind of hysterical to reread immediately after Robin159, because now it's easy to read Bruce's refusal to leave Tim alone as immature, sulky petulance.)
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