[recs] holiday challenges, part one

Dec 26, 2006 13:02

I made out like a *bandit* this year. For yuletide, a very kind pinch-hitter gave me Cross Country, which is Hopey on the road with Tex, riffling through her bag and her memories. And for jbbs, my Santa created Of the Heart by Derivation, which is Mia and Bart hanging out in the Tower and discussing the hero's life. *squishes them hard ( Read more... )

fic exchanges

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Comments 8

inlovewithnight December 26 2006, 18:57:12 UTC
Oh, that Jason fic. JAAAAAAAAAAAASON.

(Seriously, I need Jason icons. Stupid dial-up that makes scan-hunting problematic. When I get back to school! Yes!)

Hope you and G are having a lovely day-after-Christmas. :)


glossing December 26 2006, 19:05:35 UTC
That Jason fic owns me right now. (Oh! And since you've expressed interest in Roy, you might like A Hard Day's Night, set when he was Speedy and it's chockfull of Silver Age silliness plus good, solid Royness.)

need Jason icons
*facepalm* I made these for you a couple days ago, and forgot to upload...

... )


inlovewithnight December 26 2006, 19:08:40 UTC
Oh! Oh, thank you! ::hugs you:: Those are awesome.


(The comment has been removed)

glossing December 26 2006, 19:13:34 UTC
Dick/Roy are always, *always* going to be an OTP for me. I can't shake the sense that they're doing it between every panel. :D

I hope you enjoy the other fics -- there's a *bounty* of goodness up there, there really is.

We are being lazy and eating a lot. Best kind of day, really. *mwah*


rubynye December 26 2006, 20:47:22 UTC
Yay FIC! I am really glad you got that wonderful Hopey story (and trying to figure out why it didn't come up in my searches). Yuletide was spectacular this year, and so was jbbs, which I'm going to spend my evening reading through. (My roommates aren't home right now, so I'm taking advantage of the quiet and writing, and one of my projects is a certain New Year's Resolution. *grins at you and hugs you*)


glossing December 26 2006, 21:46:59 UTC
JBBS is like a cornucopia of goodness!

I hope the writing is going flowingly for you -- I envy, a little bit, the quiet you're enjoying.



amarin_rose December 27 2006, 21:26:17 UTC
The link to your fic 'Seeing Through Clothes' is broken on your webpage. Thought I'd let you know in case you didn't. :)


glossing December 27 2006, 23:46:33 UTC
Oh, dear! Thanks so much for the heads-up; I aprpeciate it!


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