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Comments 59

vespa331 November 21 2006, 01:02:53 UTC
This is so awesome in so many ways, I don't even know where to begin. Dick macking on Bart wearing Jay's shirt while Tim and Bruce fight over him...that was porn even before the porn happened. Especially Dick teaching Bart gymnastics, dayumn, all the hawtness of bats and speedsters combined. And when you add Bart covered in treacle...well. All the "taller" jokes were hilarious. Bart!Flamebird+Nightwing! (yeah, that needs to be written, go forth!). Is K.E. Kal-El?
""*Cool*," Bart breathed and complied, sucking the kisses out of Dick's mouth with more focused attention than *anyone* would have thought possible from him." I'm thinkin that's about the sexiest reference to Bart's hyperactive-puppyness ever.

Ya know, the one good thing about Bart's aging is that I don't feel like such a pedophile anymore.


glossing November 21 2006, 14:32:10 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed this; thank you!

Bart covered in treacle
There's something inherently comedic about the word "treacle". It makes me giggle.

Is K.E. Kal-El?
In my head it was, yes! Dick has a *longstanding* crush on him.

Ya know, the one good thing about Bart's aging is that I don't feel like such a pedophile anymore
*snerk* It is helpful that way, isn't it? Though I've been re-reading IMPULSE and in one of the first issues, his "educational age" (or something) is listed as 19...it's just, well. They kept drawing him as about 11. ;)


violetfishy November 21 2006, 01:07:51 UTC
Hee! Oh man, I really enjoyed reading this. Your Bart retains so many of his defining characteristics that DC seems to have thrown out of the window. It made me very nostalgic. And the smut? Very hot. However, the snarky conversation between Tim and Bruce just made my heart sing with glee! Damn, they are both freaky boys. I love them. And the reference to Kon's party was fantastic!


glossing November 21 2006, 14:35:31 UTC
(I need to make an icon from BART SAVES THE UNIVERSE so I have Bart and Batman in the same frame. Yes.)

*Anyway*, yay for Violetfishyfeedback! I'm overjoyed that you liked this, as I had a ball and a half writing it, *especially* the summit between Bruce and Tim, who define freaky in about seventeen languages, including Kryptonese.

*mwahmwah* Thank you!!


vespa331 November 23 2006, 21:36:15 UTC
For yooooou! http://community.livejournal.com/titans_together/392728.html
If I can ever get my hands on a BStU I'll make you more, right now all I have are 2 pages from scans_daily, stupid small comic store...


glossing December 4 2006, 14:05:30 UTC
YOU ROCK! These look fantastic.

Now I just have to figure out what Buffy icon(s) to drop to make room for Bart and Bruce's forever love...


rubynye November 21 2006, 01:12:05 UTC

This made me pump my fist and whoop aloud. Oh, this is perfect. Their voices, the details, the pacing, all perfect. Absolutely. And I want to learn to describe kisses as palpably as you do. I could feel those kisses.

(And oh, the breath of the past, always whispering through your characters' ears and down the backs of their necks. That sobering little touch, the bitter that makes the sweet sweeter, that elevates your stories just that last spectacular level.)


glossing November 21 2006, 14:41:52 UTC
Oh. Oh. Feedback from you always makes me wiggle and beam, but the coherency, she is...lacking. Thank you. *So much*.

describe kisses
I, um. Do a lot of research?

the breath of the past
I hate OYL for *so* many reasons, but writing fic in it works on some levels, because all the relationships are so jumbled up and the characters *would* be thinking of them in ways they wouldn't during regular continuity. (Translation: Wow, thank you; I am doing the dodge thing, but please know how grateful I am.)


brown_betty November 21 2006, 02:00:23 UTC
I'm… Oh man. I just kinda now really believe that this is how teams are made up in the bat-teams.


glossing November 21 2006, 14:42:34 UTC
It might explain a lot!


petronelle November 21 2006, 02:43:31 UTC
You had me from the first sentence ( ... )


glossing November 21 2006, 14:49:20 UTC
Bruce! Making fun of Tim for being short is bad form.
He was getting desperate, he really was.

Dick, you borrowed surveillance footage? That's beautiful, you terrible, horrible young man.
This is a guy whose very heart is shared among Bruce, Barbara, and Tim. He...picks stuff up.

"Didn't he let Starro eat J'onn's face?" I am in love with your brain.
You mean Keith Giffen's brain, but thank you on his behalf. :D

Bart as Flamebird for the WIN.
It's a compulsion, sidekicking Bart into the Bats. I can't help it! And he'd be so *good* at it, too!

Graffiti. I honestly don't know whether I love B. T. W. more or that it's RJG when Kory's involved, not DG.
*dies* I totally meant it to be Kal-El, but now I want to make it K.A. for Kory. Yes.

it goes a long way toward explicating why the present Outsiders have been so unhappy. If they got seduced by Roy and then handed over to Dick without the nookie -- or the, well, Dick, considering that he was hiding his ID from them -- they got short shrift indeed
Exactly. I'd join ANYTHING if it ( ... )


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