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Comments 59

jubilancy November 20 2006, 23:10:41 UTC
OK, you had me from the first line. Then you added Bruce's secret library, a Lindbergh-inspired treehouse, Bart wearing one of Jason's old shirts, Kon's Fortress of Solitude Party, AND THEN you gratified my feelings about potential Bart/Dick/Val.

All of this is not to mention that Robin vs. Batman is the best thing ever, especially when the courts rule in favor of neither.


glossing November 21 2006, 14:19:41 UTC
I had more fun than seemed legal dreaming this up, and the fact that I have Klara's Slut Map, final version, printed out and carried around in my notebook *probably* helped.

potential Bart/Dick/Val
omg. YES.

Robin vs. Batman
They love each other very, very much. In that way of Brezhnev v. Nixon or something. :D


jubilancy November 26 2006, 23:00:28 UTC
Okay, I am absurdly gratified by knowing that. Just... EEE.

OK, I've been meaning to post about this, and then I didn't because no one on my f-list but you even reads the Flash now, but... omg, do you think Val is toast when the writer switchover happens? I will cry a tear if so. Just one tear, but it will be a big one.


caiusmajor November 20 2006, 23:50:35 UTC
HEEEEEEEEEEEEE. This would be why Dick is the only Bat known for his leadership skills. :D :D :D


glossing November 21 2006, 14:20:47 UTC
Yes, exactly. Because Dick knows how to, um. Communicate. *beams*


(The comment has been removed)

glossing November 21 2006, 14:21:28 UTC
Yay, I'm so glad to hear that! :D


oneangrykate November 21 2006, 00:02:34 UTC
Okay, this is how the issue needs to go down. Obviously the sex will have to be implied, but the real deal won't be nearly as funny as this.

*resists urge to quote the entire thing back to you*

Dick coughed lightly. "Think it was Jay's, actually."
Jube made this funny little strangled noise when she got to this line. Bravo.


glossing November 21 2006, 14:26:38 UTC
(God, that icon by _audrey is scarily perfect for this. *heart*)

I'm so glad you enjoyed! DRAKE FOR AMERICA has taken over my brain in the last week and I was mumbling "...aka Bart gets a case of the gay" aloud as I wrote this.


oneangrykate November 21 2006, 14:40:56 UTC
It's, you know. Not incurable, but sometimes when you get a case of The Gay, you have to let it take its course! ... into Dick's pants.


glossing November 21 2006, 14:44:49 UTC
Dick is Patient Zero Typhoid Mary Vortex of the Gay, too.

He's happy to share the pain pleasure orgasm.


civilbloodshed November 21 2006, 00:26:42 UTC
"Decking Guy Gardner was difficult?"

The corners of Batman's lips twitched and deepened. "That was just plain fun."

Ok, I haven't even finish reading the story as of this commment, but I lost my shit laughing when I read this line! One punch, and BAM, Guy goes down!


glossing November 21 2006, 14:28:20 UTC
ONE PUNCH! I have so many *issues* with Meltzer, but the fact that he remembered that moment made me screech with joy. :D


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