busy busy, but not too busy for this

Nov 17, 2011 14:05

My presentation went okay last night.  That's good.  We pulled it together.

But more distressing (speaking of censorship):

The Stop Online Piracy Act!

Have you heard of this?  I can't shut up about it.  Congress wants to protect copyright by censoring the internet.  This includes blocking sites like youtube, facebook, tumblr, and livejournal.

In ( Read more... )

sopa, censorship

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Comments 10

mrstater November 17 2011, 20:18:16 UTC
BRAINWAVE--I JUST posted about this.


glorious_clio November 17 2011, 20:22:04 UTC
GOOD. I am livid about this act. It was very difficult to compose thoughtful, respectful emails to my reps this morning. Mostly I want to rage at the people responsible.

Home of the free? Yeah, okay.


mrstater November 17 2011, 20:25:59 UTC
I just used the form letters. The scary thing is that most people, including the reps, have no idea how this will really play out in terms of stifling creativity and the community of artists and fans. It's intellectual property rights being taken way too fire and screwing over the rest of us, who make these people all their money in the first place.


glorious_clio November 17 2011, 20:54:19 UTC
I would have used the form letters if I had not just gotten done preparing for an hour long presentation on censorship. I had a lot to say!

I often feel frustrated by copyright as they apply to fan activities. In our communities, I have never met a single person who profits off their fanfiction or fanvids. In fact, they can often serve to get more people interested in the community! And for communities like HP with no new content coming out, that's a pretty tall order! But copyright holders, for whatever reason, don't see that.

SOPA isn't going to stop pirating for hardcore piraters. It will instead limit conversation for those savvy enough to turn on the computer and join the conversation (ie, me).
And call me a conspiracy theorist, but maybe that's the point? I'm terrified. And ANGRY. And so is google, facebook, and tumblr. Does Congress realize how powerful Mark Zuckerberg is?

And really, I'm not worried about Hollywood. They make crap movies that I rarely want to see anyway.


artsystrange November 18 2011, 14:03:36 UTC
You know, with all the disgusting things that has been attempted to push through congress this year...I'm really not that surprised. But it is still enraging!!!


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