busy busy, but not too busy for this

Nov 17, 2011 14:05

My presentation went okay last night.  That's good.  We pulled it together.

But more distressing (speaking of censorship):

The Stop Online Piracy Act!

Have you heard of this?  I can't shut up about it.  Congress wants to protect copyright by censoring the internet.  This includes blocking sites like youtube, facebook, tumblr, and livejournal.

In my opinion, this is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, as increasingly, political and social discourse happens on social media sites like these.  The government would be limiting not only our speech, but our right to assemble in virtual communities.

So if you, like me, oppose SOPA, (and you're on livejournal, so, you know, I think it might be relevant to your interests), sign a petition, contact your representatives, and educate everyone you can.

While President Obama has promised to veto the bill, it's disgusting to me that this is even being seriously considered by Congress.  

sopa, censorship

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