When starting a sentence with the word "well," PUT A FUCKING COMMA AFTER "WELL."
Do not make me BEAT YOU WITH A SOCK FULL OF COMMAS. I will make the commas out of lead, or possibly adamantium. Got that? ADAMANTIUM COMMA-BEATINGS.
Seriously, it isn't that hard to remember.
WRONG: Well now that we know you're insane...
RIGHT: Well,
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Comments 3
'Well now we know you're insane...' is bad. Alas, it seems to most often take the form of 'Well now we know your insane..thats different....' when I see it.
And ugh, two-dot ellipsis with no space! GRAH! It's really not that difficult to remember these things, or at least spellcheck things before posting them.
My copy of Eats, Shoots and Leaves came with punctuation correction stickers. I am very temepted to start using them. I am also tempted to find the book in hardback to beat people with.
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