Challenge #05 - Theme Challenge

Apr 30, 2010 01:02

Hello Gleeks!

As promised, this is a graphics club. This time around, your entries are not meant to be limited to merely icons. You can work out wallpapers, blends, icons, stationary, whatever. Really, anything works. Your theme, should you choose to accept it, is:

Rainbow Connection

Basically, have each entry represent one color (or general color) from the spectrum of a rainbow.

Rules are simple:

1. Represent the rainbow.
2. You can make as many entries as you'd like.
3. When entering, make it as rainbow like, and try and arrange your entries in rainbow-ish sequence.
4. For fun, if you make at least 7 entries, I'll work on getting you something cool and shiny. :D
5. The deadline is: May 16th, 2010 @ 11:59 pm EDT.
6. Caps can be found over at Glee Fan, Glee France, In A Dream Caps, Rawr Caps, Toxic Caps, and gleeclub. And when we're done, you can always post your icons at your comm and pimp it at good_glee. :D
7. For some inspiration, Kermit's Rainbow Connection.

- Any additional questions may be asked in the Question Thread.

Please tag your entry with "gleek: (your name)", "challenge 005", & "challenge entries".

challenge 005, challenge post, challenge type: theme

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