Prompt Post #16

May 31, 2012 13:26


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Characters/Pairings - Spoilers - Warnings/Triggers - Kinks
Fill - Title - Characters/Pairings - Spoilers - ( Read more... )


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Prompt: Darren/Chris - friends-to-soulmates RPF AU anonymous June 28 2012, 21:58:32 UTC
In this AU, only your soulmate's first name appears on your body, and it can be a nickname. Chris has always known he's gay, even before the name "Darren" appeared on his body. Darren is a total queer ally but has always identified as straight, so when the name "Chris" appeared on his body, he assumed it to be short for Christina or Christiana or something else like that. Even when he meets Chris Colfer, it doesn't occur to Darren right away that he could've been wrong (or at least unaware) for so long and this Chris could have been the right one all along . . . but he does figure it out ( ... )


Re: Prompt: Darren/Chris - friends-to-soulmates RPF AU anonymous July 2 2012, 01:08:16 UTC
I love this prompt so much I wish to whisk it away to Vegas and pledge my undying love.

I would really love to claim it, but I feel the need to ask first: does the OP have anything against drag being a part of the story? It's a legitimate plot element, I promise.


OP - Re: Prompt: Darren/Chris - friends-to-soulmates RPF AU anonymous July 2 2012, 05:42:53 UTC
Yay! I'm so appreciative that you're interested enough to consider filling the prompt!

I have nothing whatsoever against drag being included in the plot, as long as the happy ending I originally requested reflects Darren and Chris loving and wanting each other for who they are. I'll attempt to clarify that, for the purposes of this prompt, I'd like them both to have male sex organs and to identify internally as males, but either or both can explore whatever gender defiance/boundary-pushing presentations inspire you. :) Hell, in the real world there have been candid pictures of each of them in eyeliner, and there's no predicting what either might don at Halloween. . . . Plus, I adore Victor/Victoria, Connie and Carla, Twelfth Night, the cheesetastic Ladybugs and Nobody's Perfect, etc., so, uh, long story short, go for it!


Re: OP - Re: Prompt: Darren/Chris - friends-to-soulmates RPF AU anonymous July 2 2012, 11:41:54 UTC
I solemnly swear that none of that will be a problem. I'm really excited about this prompt! I'll try and have the first part up tonight. :)


Re: OP - Re: Prompt: Darren/Chris - friends-to-soulmates RPF AU anonymous July 2 2012, 14:45:33 UTC
Thank you kindly. I'm really excited too, and I look forward to the first part whenever you can get to it!


FILL - Read My Lips - Darren/Chris - friends-to-soulmates RPF AU (PART 1) anonymous July 3 2012, 02:26:47 UTC
(Here goes! I'm going to try and post a little bit every day. There may be some minor kink in future chapters, but nothing extreme. There will also be mentions of infidelity, but the points laid out in the plot will all be upheld. I hope putting that info here is okay with the mods, since there wasn't room to list that in the subject line.)

Read My Lips"Hello, Gorgeous ( ... )


FILL - Read My Lips - Darren/Chris - friends-to-soulmates RPF AU (PART 1b) anonymous July 3 2012, 02:27:25 UTC
"That," Ashley said, "Is the one and only Izzy Fuhreel. He's our biggest star ( ... )


FILL - Read My Lips - Darren/Chris - friends-to-soulmates RPF AU (PART 2) anonymous July 3 2012, 03:39:06 UTC
(I had some extra time. Yay ( ... )


FILL - Read My Lips - Darren/Chris - friends-to-soulmates RPF AU (PART 2b) anonymous July 3 2012, 03:39:50 UTC
"You're Izzy?" he asked. "Dude. You look really different out of costume ( ... )


OP - Re: FILL - Read My Lips - Darren/Chris - friends-to-soulmates RPF AU (PART 2b) anonymous July 3 2012, 05:53:24 UTC
I am positively tickled so far. The characterization is great -- I knew the same time Darren did which cheeks Ashley meant, quite the "untapped resource," hee! I love the dialogue's quick-witted, natural rhythm, not to mention both the idea and description of Izzy. You deserve your favorite late-night snack for this beginning, author-anon.


Re: OP - Re: FILL - Read My Lips - Darren/Chris - friends-to-soulmates RPF AU (PART 2b) anonymous July 4 2012, 01:29:42 UTC
I'm so glad you like what I'm doing with it! :D - author anon


Re: FILL - Read My Lips - Darren/Chris - friends-to-soulmates RPF AU (PART 2b) anonymous July 3 2012, 10:04:26 UTC
This is soo sooo awesome, I am hooked ! Keep up the good work .


FILL - Lipstick Traces - Darren/Chris - friends-to-soulmates RPF AU (PART 3a) anonymous July 4 2012, 01:14:04 UTC
(I'm sorry - I did some more thinking last night and decided to change the title. I hope it's okay.)

"Do you know what time it is?" Darren asked when he opened the door. Or would have asked, had a red lace thong not hit him in the face just as the hard T of time had sounded ( ... )


FILL - Lipstick Traces - Darren/Chris - friends-to-soulmates RPF AU (PART 3b) anonymous July 4 2012, 01:27:25 UTC

"A Scout?" Darren asked, wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand. "You hear stories about them, but I've never actually met one. They're like, unicorn is so cliché, but he's like a fucking unicorn ( ... )


FILL - Lipstick Traces - Darren/Chris - friends-to-soulmates RPF AU (PART 3c) anonymous July 4 2012, 01:28:11 UTC
Ashley stared into her drink for a long time. "Darren?" she finally asked, her voice smaller than Darren would have ever thought possible for her. "How many people do you know who've had their heart broken? Not like, 'gee, sorry, Ashley. We had a good run, but I'm almost twenty-five and your name's not Julie and mine's not Declan, so we should cut our losses before we waste any more time each other could be spending with the right person," heartbreak, but deep, stinging heartbreak? The kind you don't think you can recover from?"

"Okay, first?" Darren said. "That was a really specific example. Two," he paused. "No one, I guess. Yeah, breakups suck, but we all get over them because ( ... )


OP - Re: FILL - Lipstick Traces - Darren/Chris - friends-to-soulmates RPF AU (PART 3c) anonymous July 4 2012, 08:03:56 UTC
This is so engaging. I'm still loving it, and itching to know more about Christopher's mark and the world you're building. I got a kick out of the unicorn and Moulin Rouge references.

No worries about the title -- call it whatever you'd like, just keep this goodness coming. ;)


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