Fifth Prompt Post

May 10, 2011 23:21

Welcome to the Glee Angst Meme again! You know how these things work. You can come here and prompt your most angsty prompts, and write stories filling those angsty prompts to let our characters suffer ( Read more... )

prompt posts

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FILL: Part 1a (Kurt/Puck, Puck!abuse) jooseboxx August 14 2011, 09:06:07 UTC
Kurt knows he's not a top. Not really. So when his thing with Puck starts, it's not a huge deal. Neither of them really know why it starts, or what it is, or why they keep doing it, but one day they make out in the darkened auditorium and the next Kurt fucks Puck in the deserted locker room. And that is literally how it happens. He goes from making out to sex in one day.

But then it's Puck, so that's understandable.

And that's all it is. Sex. It's just getting some of the tension out, and Kurt's been stock piling a lot of tension, so it's fine. It's not like Puck's going to turn down sex, because everyone knows what 'pool cleaning' really means, and it's got nothing to do with pH balance.

It all works out. They don't talk about it, they don't act like a couple, they just have sex. Really, really awesome sex ( ... )


FILL: Part 5c (Kurt/Puck, Puck!abuse) jooseboxx August 15 2011, 14:19:31 UTC
There's still nothing from Puck and Kurt has gotten the message. You're being very over dramatic, Noah. But message received. Kurt shouldn't feel jilted, because Kurt was the one that said it was done, and they were just supposed to be having sex. But Puck fell in love with him and Kurt didn't even notice, and Kurt can't start developing feelings for Puck now that they're done, because Kurt is in love with Blaine ( ... )


FILL: Part 5d (Kurt/Puck, Puck!abuse) jooseboxx August 15 2011, 14:20:44 UTC
"The doctors found bruises and cuts and scars from months ago. Puck had broken ribs and a cut on his shoulder that was infected, he had bruises on his throat and his wrists and I never noticed any of it." The bruises, the flinches, the blood that last time. Kurt saw them all, Kurt knew that there was something off. Kurt never said anything. Kurt never asked. Kurt was worse than Finn, because Finn didn't notice, but Kurt just didn't care enough to ask ( ... )


FILL: Part 5e (Kurt/Puck, Puck!abuse) jooseboxx August 15 2011, 14:21:22 UTC
"I'm sorry," Kurt doesn't know what prompts him to start talking, but the machines just make him feel like he needs to fill the silence, "I'm sorry I didn't stop to ask, I'm sorry I didn't try to help. I was scared it was stepping over what we were. I didn't even know what we were, but we were more than I thought, weren't we?" Because Puck hadn't been trying not to be more, Kurt was the one with the walls, "If I'd asked, would you have told me? You never hid them, did you want me to ask? Was that what you were waiting for? I let you down, didn't I? How can you love me when I didn't even ask? The story about Sarah and the baseball bat, it was so pathetic, really. I should've known then, but you just brushed it off." And Kurt knew he should've pressed for an answer, he should've stopped Puck from changing the topic, should've stopped them from going downstairs. "I do miss you, I miss more than the sex. I miss your hands, and your terrible texting. I miss your eyes and your voice. I suppose it's my own fault. Thinking that love was some ( ... )


FILL: Part 6a (Kurt/Puck, Puck!abuse) jooseboxx August 15 2011, 18:48:34 UTC
He'd never really stopped to think about what a coma could feel like. He'd half way thought he'd died. Between the text from Kurt before Regionals and the day he woke up in a hospital bed, he'd half wondered if it would be all that bad. It's stupid, he knows that, but it really did feel like everything was slightly pointless. He'd spent the day wondering if Kurt was going to ignore what he said, he half hoped that it would be ignored. But once he'd said it he really couldn't ignore it himself. It was weird how these things just crept up on him. It had been sex for him to begin with too -some thing different, something new. But then he started paying attention to Kurt and then he started liking Kurt and then he ended up loving the uptight diva. He'd never really intended on telling Kurt though ( ... )


FILL: Part 6b (Kurt/Puck, Puck!abuse) jooseboxx August 15 2011, 18:50:04 UTC
"I've got a couch you can crash on, if you want." It's too much like a cowards way out and Puck just gives her a small smile, says it'll be fine and he'll be okay and not to worry. It's just his luck that the only person he wishes was concerned isn't, but Lauren is pretty great anyway. "Call me if you need to, okay?" Puck nods but he knows he won't, he won't tell her what's happening, he won't tell her how long it's been going on for, he won't tell her that sometimes he doesn't want to get up in the mornings. He won't tell her that Kurt fucking Hummel just broke his damn heart ( ... )


FILL: Part 6c (Kurt/Puck, Puck!abuse) jooseboxx August 15 2011, 18:51:41 UTC
He's been unconscious for ten days, he's tired as shit and he can barely remember what the hell happened. Simon broke his skull, but he's in jail, and Puck can't help but apologise to his mother for that. She just shushes him and hugs him and hell if Puck's sort of needing that right then. They keep him in the hospital for a few more days -they want to make sure the swelling is under control, that the pressure is off his brain, that he's healing okay. Finn visits him with Quinn, they both seem so apologetic, like they should've known and Puck just stares. Mercedes, Tina, Mike and Artie come the next day, they don't mention a thing about his injury and just talk about school and glee and everything he's been missing. Lauren comes in just the end of visiting hours one day. He's tired from talking to the others, and even if all he does is lie around in bed all day, he's still shattered. Lauren squeezes his hand, the same way Kurt did when he woke up, and presses a kiss to his head, just above where his new scar will sit. "Next time, ( ... )


FILL: Part 6d (Kurt/Puck, Puck!abuse) jooseboxx August 15 2011, 18:52:56 UTC
"Come on," Kurt slips past him, taking Puck's hand to pull him down the hall to his bedroom, drawing Puck out of any thoughts from Sunday night. Kurt makes him sit on his bed, leaning down to undo his boots and pull them off. They're placed at the end of his bed and his socks come off and are thrown into the hamper in the corner. Puck's too tired to really fight anything, just letting Kurt strip him, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it the same way as his socks. Only Kurt stops there, standing in front of Puck and running his hand over Puck's newly shaved head, fingers skirting around the white square, tracing the tape that holds it in place. Kurt's fingers get to Puck's temple and Puck feels the shudder down his spine, he has to reach up to grasp Kurt's wrist in a loose hold ( ... )


FILL: Part 6e (Kurt/Puck, Puck!abuse) jooseboxx August 15 2011, 18:53:38 UTC
His phone beeps from beside him on the night stand. Sarah must've put it on to charge at some point, and Puck noticed he's got five missed calls, two voicemails and nine text messages. One of the voicemails is Santana, blubbering on the phone and the time date makes it Tuesday, so he was already unconscious at that point, he can hardly make out what she's saying and the message cuts off mid-way through her crying. He figures he'll call her tomorrow to talk to her. The second one is from Finn, who apologises but he just wanted to hear the voicemail message and then he hangs up. Puck figures he won't rib the guy too much about it. The lastest text is Lauren, Heard u were home. When u back in skol? Pik u up? He's not going back to school until Wednesday, but he won't turn down a lift from Lauren, because he's really not allow to drive now and his Ma is enforcing it this time. There's a message from Artie that he apparently got while eating dinner which is basically just a 'get well soon' and one from Brittany asking him for his Geography ( ... )


FILL: Part 7a (Kurt/Puck, Puck!abuse) jooseboxx August 15 2011, 20:39:04 UTC
It's in the car when Kurt's phone vibrates, he's been quiet since Puck practically kicked him out of his bedroom earlier. Really, Kurt doesn't know what he expected, it wasn't like they'd spoken in weeks, and the last time they had been face to face Kurt had probably hurt Puck worse than an injured shoulder did. Kurt stares at the alert on his phone. He has a text message from Noah. Noah has sent him a message. Kurt stomach is in knots when he opens it -he expects to be told to leave Puck alone, expects that Puck is just making sure Kurt knows. But when he reads it, he feels the flip of his stomach again, Srry my coma was dramatic. ill try nt do it agn. i mre thn srt of mis u 2. and no. i dont tnk usher cn be don acpla. Kurt almost laughs, he almost laughs right there. Of course Puck hadn't seen the messages, maybe the messages were what Puck was waiting for. Maybe Puck would've listened to Kurt if he'd known about the messages before. He's still staring at the phone when another message comes in.

From Blaine.

Hope your friend is ( ... )


FILL: Part 7b (Kurt/Puck, Puck!abuse) jooseboxx August 15 2011, 20:40:49 UTC
Kurt does look it up, he listens to it on youtube and downloads it for his iTunes and finds it surprisingly good. The Warblers don't really agree, although Blaine asks him where he thought of it. "Noah suggested it." Blaine gives him a small frown, but it's quickly dismissed as Wes asks about their plans for the weekend. Kurt was going home for the weekend again, he had plans to talk to his father and Carole about going back to McKinley, about finishing the semester at Dalton and transferring back to his real home. It's not that he doesn't like Dalton, but it's so constricting, it's so smothering, Kurt isn't surprised that it's easier for them to enforce the no-bullying clause, because everyone is so tired of playing the perfect student they don't have the energy to be anything else. No one stands out, no one has style. Kurt misses Tina's gothic look, misses the Cheerios marching down the halls in their uniforms, misses Mercedes' brand of fashion and colour, missed Rachel's God awful sweaters and skirts. He mostly misses catching ( ... )


FILL: Part 7c (Kurt/Puck, Puck!abuse) jooseboxx August 15 2011, 20:41:42 UTC
For the whole day, when he's out of class, Kurt texts Noah just to talk about ridiculous stuff -like why marshmallows are oddly satisfying in breakfast cereal even if they are slightly gross when they're covered in milk, or if Judge Judy is a real Judge and if she is how do you get to see her court cases. It's the most they've talked ever, and Kurt finds it so easy, even if that's just because Noah can't see him blush or smile or roll his eyes. Noah goes to bed earlier that night, because Lauren is picking him up for school in the morning and Kurt is on the phone to his Dad before he ends up going to bed too. It's one of the longest and hardest conversations he's had with his father over the phone, but he can hear Finn in the background after they've really started getting into the issues. He can hear Finn interject on a few of his Dad's points, apparently the bullying at McKinley has decreased greatly since Coach Sylvester threatened five jocks with waterboarding after one of them made Brittany cry because she was holding hands with ( ... )


FILL: Part 7d (Kurt/Puck, Puck!abuse) COMPLETE jooseboxx August 15 2011, 20:42:21 UTC
They do family dinner, and Finn goes to Quinn's, promising not to mention Kurt at all, and Kurt says he has to go out and see someone. He's pretty sure Carole and his Dad think he means Mercedes, and Kurt lets them. But five minutes later he's standing outside Noah's door. He knocks quietly, hearing a crash and then giggling inside. "Walk much, Noah?" The door opens and Kurt grins at Sarah while he hears Noah grumbling in the background. "Hey Kurt, c'mon on." Sarah looks so much brighter than the last time Kurt saw her, the day Noah came home. He just smiles and slips inside, following Sarah into the kitchen. "Noah, Kurt's here ( ... )


Re: FILL: Part 7d (Kurt/Puck, Puck!abuse) COMPLETE firefly_ca August 16 2011, 06:55:54 UTC
This story was so effing good. I loved it. I'm usually a fairly boring shipper, so I almost always go with who the show tells me to ship (if I don't like the couple I'll ignore them before I start making up other pairings). This is the first time since Blaine's been on the scene where I was like, "OMG Kurt, just drop him!" XD

And poor Puck! Ugh, Kurt you are such an idiot sometimes. You did a very good job of making Kurt self-centered in a very realistic way. I remember so much of my time as a teenager was spent pretending not to notice something if I didn't know how to deal with it - partly because of selfishness, partly because of fear of screwing things up more than they already were. It's certainly not an attractive quality (and it made me want to smack him up the side of the head a little), but I understood why he was doing it, too.


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