Fifth Prompt Post

May 10, 2011 23:21

Welcome to the Glee Angst Meme again! You know how these things work. You can come here and prompt your most angsty prompts, and write stories filling those angsty prompts to let our characters suffer ( Read more... )

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Trigger: Abuse, Panic Attack, Puck anonymous May 10 2011, 23:09:06 UTC
Puck has a flashback to his extremely abusive childhood in the middle of Glee. He's crying, hyperventilating, completely terrified. No one in Glee ever treats him the same. Some of them are awkward, some strangely nice, some pitying... Even Mr Schue is suddenly giving him solos and having them sing songs about friendship more than six times a week. He doesn't want his life to be determined by his past, but all of a sudden everyone is talking quietly around him and not even Santana will have sex with him.

(Would like everything to eventually be resolved, and maybe some kind of slash relationship with Puck, but whatever.)

(BONUS for Finn following him around everywhere like a puppy trying to make him talk about his feelings.)


Re: Trigger: Abuse, Panic Attack, Puck anonymous May 11 2011, 01:13:11 UTC


Re: Trigger: Abuse, Panic Attack, Puck anonymous June 16 2011, 18:19:47 UTC
I so want this...I may try filling it if I have the time...


Re: Trigger: Abuse, Panic Attack, Puck anonymous June 22 2011, 01:00:38 UTC
Please fill.... *gives puppy eyes*... this prompt is so good!


FILL: Part 1 (past abuse, panic attack, Puck centric, ensemble) jooseboxx August 12 2011, 00:30:22 UTC
It happens pretty suddenly. It's not one of those lame movie moments or anything. Not really. They're just sitting around while Hummel does this weird performance thing -he has outfits and props and all sorts- and honestly, Puck's zoning in and out of it anyway. At least until it happens.

It's a crack -not like a crack in the wall, of the crunch of a cracking knuckle. It's a full blown, air snapping crack. Puck isn't even sure what the fuck happened -Kurt has this whip thought and it's a safe bet to assume he just cracked it on the piano, but Puck isn't paying attention.

Puck's heart just slammed into his throat and his chest tightened and he can't fucking breathe. It's fucking scary. There's no sound, everything is just gone and he doesn't have a clue how to tell anyone that something isn't right, he's just stuck there, struggling to get a breath and not even able to move. He is literally frozen in place and scared out of his mind ( ... )


FILL: Part 2 (past abuse, panic attack, Puck centric, ensemble) jooseboxx August 12 2011, 00:31:28 UTC
They send Finn to talk to him, which is weird, because they haven't actually spoken in weeks. Whatever their reasons, Finn stands there and Puck knows he's there because the goofball bumps into three lockers trying to get to the showers and then kicks the bench. Stealth is not Finn's strong point. But Puck stays under the spray, for another few minutes at least. He doesn't want to come out, doesn't want to have this conversation because he just doesn't want to think about it ( ... )


FILL: Part 3 (past abuse, panic attack, Puck centric, ensemble) jooseboxx August 12 2011, 00:33:19 UTC
They tip-toe around him the next day, but no one actually approaches him about anything. Artie is mostly normal again, offering Puck the notes from Geometry that he missed from bailing. They don't mention what happened in Glee, they don't mention why he bailed yesterday and they don't talk about 'feelings'. It's all nice and normal. Puck starts to relax a little ( ... )


FILL: Part 4 (past abuse, panic attack, Puck centric, ensemble) jooseboxx August 12 2011, 00:35:07 UTC
"Okay, that was, thank you Brittany." Puck can already tell where this is all going -he's almost sorry that he missed Glee yesterday, because that must've been when they'd planned it. "Anyone else?" Rachel's hand is in the air and Puck's head falls back as he breathes out a breath to try and calm the hell down and not just walk out.

"While I am aware that I could've chose from a multitude of fabulously written songs for just this occasion, I felt that this one suited my intended message perfectly." Puck's not even trying to listen, because knowing Berry, she's going to fire off into some show tune that Puck doesn't even know and he's back to ignoring the room again. "And I am all alone, there is no one here beside me. And my problems have all gone, there is no one to deride me." Okay, so he doesn't even know what the song is, so it could be a fucking country hit for all he knows ( ... )


FILL: Part 5 (past abuse, panic attack, Puck centric, ensemble) jooseboxx August 12 2011, 00:36:39 UTC
He doesn't go home, doesn't even leave school, but he does head to the bleachers, sitting out and just staring across the field. He can't believe this is where he's at. His body is just thrumming with all this pent up rage and anger and fucking frustration. He doesn't feel anything, maybe that's the problem. He's not some simpering little boy, he's not lonely or scared, he's not feeling any of those stupid post-traumatic panic things that he should be.

Beyond that one day, that one panic attack. It doesn't make sense.

"I just want to understand." For once, Puck didn't hear Finn follow him, but he's not surprised. "I just don't get how I didn't know this, how you didn't tell me."

"There's lots of things I don't tell you, dude." Like how jealous he was when Finn hooked up with Quinn, because Puck really did like her. Like how Puck really liked when Finn used to bring extra lunch to middle school for Puck when they were kids, because sometimes Puck's Ma forgot. Like how Puck envied Finn his great fucking Mom, because Puck's wasn't ( ... )


FILL: Part 6/6 (past abuse, panic attack, Puck centric, ensemble) jooseboxx August 12 2011, 00:37:18 UTC
"If this happens again," and Puck is pretty sure that Finn means the panic attack, because Puck doesn't intend on ever letting anyone push him around like he's a kid again, "you can talk to me." And Finn bumps his shoulder against Puck's lightly, and maybe, just maybe, they can work past the whole Beth thing ( ... )


Re: FILL: Part 6/6 (past abuse, panic attack, Puck centric, ensemble) theauthor2010 August 12 2011, 02:15:49 UTC
This was so good and it portrayed anxiety attacks super-realistically, which is a big plus to me. very well written. I love it.


Re: FILL: Part 6/6 (past abuse, panic attack, Puck centric, ensemble) anonymous August 15 2011, 20:00:04 UTC
I flipped when I saw this prompt was filled, and it was a great fill!!!


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