Fifth Prompt Post

May 10, 2011 23:21

Welcome to the Glee Angst Meme again! You know how these things work. You can come here and prompt your most angsty prompts, and write stories filling those angsty prompts to let our characters suffer ( Read more... )

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FILL: Part 3 (past abuse, panic attack, Puck centric, ensemble) jooseboxx August 12 2011, 00:33:19 UTC
They tip-toe around him the next day, but no one actually approaches him about anything. Artie is mostly normal again, offering Puck the notes from Geometry that he missed from bailing. They don't mention what happened in Glee, they don't mention why he bailed yesterday and they don't talk about 'feelings'. It's all nice and normal. Puck starts to relax a little.

Except by third, things are getting annoying again. Santana turns and walks the other way from him in the hallway. Brittany comes up and hugs him -like full on hugs him for no reason- but he gets a grope of her ass before Artie glares at him a little, so it's not too bad. But then there's Finn again.

Finn who finds him between third and forth, Finn who stands awkwardly against the locker next to Puck's and tries to strike up conversation about a football game that they'd already talked about three days ago, Finn who keeps watching Puck for some sort of sign. A locker slams down the hall and Puck flinches just a little -he can feel that burn again but it's not like in Glee, because he isn't suffocating again and he's not shaking and he isn't zoning out. It's just that cloying feeling of needles along his neck and a burn on his back before he's glaring at Finn who just brought up 'feelings' again.

Puck slams his own locker before walking to English.

Only he's in class with Rachel, and she actually saved a seat for him next to her and he actually wants to beat himself. He can't avoid it now though, he has to sit beside her, has to deal with her talking away in his ear -and she never talks in class, she's always so focused and tells him to shush whenever he asks her anything if they sit near one another. Usually he takes the seat behind her, because he can still make out her notes and just copy them.

He's so grateful at lunch, because he doesn't need to deal with her.

Mike is still mostly ignoring him, and Sam's stopped trying to engage in 'casual' conversation -it's not that Puck doesn't like the guy, it's just that he's not in the mood to do that lame as shit 'bonding' crap. Puck can mostly ignore people and issues and all the stares that he can feel from the Glee table.

Really, he's fine. There's nothing to talk about. He doesn't have feelings on the matter because he's over it. His dad walked out on him years ago, his mom had one shit boyfriend after another and one of them was just a little too fond of punishing her kids for anything they did. Sarah was barely a toddler and Puck, Noah, he just dealt with what he had to. So he had a back that was laced with welts for a few months, so he dealt with a drunk, abusive almost step-father for five months, so he didn't have a nice, suburbia home like Rachel or Quinn or Brittany, so he didn't have a loving family -no matter how many of them there were- like Kurt or Finn or Mercedes. Noah Puckerman didn't need that shit because he dealt with it, he put it behind him, and he moved the fuck on.

It wasn't a problem.


His 'friends' seemed to think it was.

FRIENDSHIP was written on that pathetic little white board when they all sat in the choir room later. Puck avoided the seat he'd been in two days before, and everyone else seemed to avoid him. Except Finn.

"Now, does anyone have anything they'd like to sing?" Surprisingly, it was Brittany that raised her hand. Puck thinks he should be worried when Brad starts the piano, but really, he can't stop the small smile. It's just so Britt.

"Rubber Duckie," there are looks all around the room, frowns from the losers and a shake of the head from Santana -Santana is the only one that understands it, the only one that will actually get what Britt's trying to say in her own ditzy sort of way. Just Santana and Puck. Because in Freshman year, when Santana and Brittany were just 'friends' and Puck was the one taking Brittany out to Breadstix and walking her home and making out with her under the bleachers, he bought her a stupid little yellow rubber duck when she'd seen it in the mall. It cost him two fucking dollars and she treated it like a fucking Tiffany diamond ring or something. "I'm awfully fond of you." She finishes up by drawing him a heart in the air, and really, Puck doesn't mind it so much.


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