Title: Stacking Bones
Category: Angst, Gen, AU after 3.16
Spoilers: Up to and including 3.16
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, mild adult themes, dark
Disclaimers: Still not mine. Not making any money.
Summary: Sam never gave up on Dean, but he didn't save him either.
Notes: All mistakes are my own. If you notice any, please point them out.
Also, be aware that
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Comments 65
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I'm completely unspoiled, and I really am probably wound really tight in anticipation of 4.01, but the epilogue just brought the tears. Actually, they started with last line of Pt. 5 and continued all through the epilogue. Now I'm sniffing and honking like a goose. I'm glad there's a glimmer of hope. This was a tight and anxious read, with not much of a relief as payoff, but there is that little bit of hope. I'll hang on to that.
I'm wound pretty tight for the season premiere too. I'm sure I'll cry or sniffle or something. Then my husband will laugh at me, and sleep on the couch.
Thank you for the feedback!
Take care.
But the ending... Wow. I loved Dean for accepting it, I did, because it proves that he's still Dean, still himself, despite everything, still deep-down good. And the fact that Bobby couldn't do it meant that he saw it.
Can you come back from this? Can Dean and Sam come back? I like to believe that if anyone in existence could, it would be those two, that eventually the black and the yellow could leach from their vision and be just beautiful greenish-hazel again.
But even so, brothers. Always brothers.
In case you haven't caught on yet, yeah, I loved this story. Keep writing.
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