"Thy Kingdom come" - "Да приидет Царствие Твое" (Galaxy Hunter)

Dec 29, 2013 15:04

Мне очень нравится находить сердцем некоторые песни, которые просто вот сразу нравятся и невозможно не чувствовать их внутреннее влияние, на каком бы языке они не звучали..
Перерыла весь интернет, не нашла текста песни и стала просить подругу на слух перевести немного содержание.
И моя подруга перевела эту так понравившуюся мне песню польских Read more... )

ощущения, осознанность, музыка, внутри

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Comments 6

pricessaleja December 29 2013, 15:48:55 UTC
Марина, вот этот текст, нашла здесь ( ... )


gladworld December 31 2013, 13:11:39 UTC
Спасибо очень большое!!!


Translation - Galaxy Hunter anonymous January 1 2014, 21:38:18 UTC
I hope you have resolved the lyrics of Thy Kingdom Come. If you need any help I would be glad to help you.
Yes, during the composing I thought about creating some kind of combination of prayer and chorus and as I remember I was doing it while some devastating events happened there in the world. I was pushed by the event to create the song.
I am really glad you reached for and listened to our music.
Greetings from Poland
Galaxy Hunter


Re: Translation - Galaxy Hunter gladworld January 2 2014, 14:18:24 UTC
Dear friend! I'm touched by your answer to me, and I have the pleasure to express my gratitude for your music! I like to listen to you, and I shared with my many friends your music!
Please do more! Your music - from the heart!
Greetings from India with Russian love,


Re: Translation - Galaxy Hunter anonymous January 9 2014, 19:40:48 UTC
I only want to add we released 5 albums starting from 2008. There are tens of interesting songs on all of the CD's.


Re: Translation - Galaxy Hunter gladworld January 10 2014, 16:25:17 UTC
thank you very much! I already listen)


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