The Estate, Sidra, Glacia, Thursday (Fandom Time)

Dec 22, 2016 15:20

Winsol had been going on now for several days. The family had just decamped from SaDiablo Hall in Dhemlan back home to Glacia to continue the festivities in their own home. There would be several more days of formal events, but this evening was just for family and close friends (specifically friends close enough to be family). The children were ( Read more... )

who: dinah laurel lance, who: kayla kathryn worthington, who: raven roth, who: collin nommy audric worthington, where: glacia, who: jaime reyes, who: leda of faerie, what: playing telephone, who: leto atreides, what: winsol, who: momoko akatsutsumi, who: karla, who: warren kenneth worthington iii, who: boaz priestly, who: nyles, who: hannibal lecter, who: cora, where: the estate, who: hania atreides

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Comments 342

future_sandworm December 22 2016, 20:30:20 UTC
Leto raised his cup too, smiling at Karla. Hania had quickly joined the other children, no doubt trying to encourage them to participate in some game, and Alice had found some relatives of Karla to talk to. Neither Christmas nor this holiday held much meaning to him, but a celebration that brought family and friends together did.

"What are the formal events like?" Leto asked Karla, out of curiosity and not because he wanted to distract her from this evening, which was no doubt more enjoyable.


glacial_queen December 22 2016, 20:45:27 UTC
"Stuffier," Karla said with a laugh. "A bunch of aristos trying to flatter me and maneuver for positions in my Circles. A few young bucks certain they can supplant Warren as my Consort. They seem to think that if I haven't married him after bearing his children, they somehow have a chance."

She gave Warren a warm smile before turning back to Leto. "There's dancing, interminable speeches, and a lot of gift-giving, which is a fancy way of sucking up to me. Not very much different than formal events in your court, I would assume."


future_sandworm December 22 2016, 20:49:32 UTC
"Oh, it sounds very familiar," Leto said with a laugh. "I'm very glad I was invited to this evening instead." He added teasingly: "Unless you want me to subtly insult someone..."


glacial_queen December 22 2016, 20:57:51 UTC
"When don't I?" Karla asked, grinning up to him and offering a glass of spiced rum for him to try. "I have an entire list of people who've pissed me off recently and where on that list they rank."

And also their social rank, caste, and Jewel rank in case Leto wanted to leave subtle behind and just be insulting.

"It'll be a fun diversion to see who realizes they've been insulted and then to find a way to respond that won't require me to interfere on your behalf."

Because they'd not only be insulting Leto, but a sitting monarch in his own right (even if they didn't quite understand what an 'Emperor' was). Sometimes, Karla loved politics.


never_dull December 22 2016, 21:04:53 UTC
Hannibal was not there, but Karla would be receiving a letter:

Dearest Karla,

Jono and I must tender our regrets, but I'm certain you will understand if I say that after the path we took to get here, we are not interrupting our honeymoon for anything. Please find accompanying this a souvenir.

Have a lovely Winsol, and please convey my best to Ermengarde.


It was accompanied by a sugar sculpture of their resort and grounds on the moon.


glacial_queen December 22 2016, 21:31:51 UTC
At a point in the evening, Karla dashed off a quick response.

Hannibal darling,

The last thing I'll do is try to interrupt now you've finally made honest men of one another! (Yes, I just giggled too, at that.) Enjoy your much-deserved honeymoon and we shall attempt to get together to celebrate once you return. My love to your irascible husband.


And she directed Ermengarde to sent a bottle of blooded rum to Hannibal's home on Fandom and a box of liqueur-infused chocolates.


blondecanary December 22 2016, 22:23:38 UTC
"And a happy new year!" Dinah cheered, taking a sip of her drink, and leaning into Priestly. Thank God for time-changes, because it meant they could visit Karla before starting their own marathon holiday plans.


lovemykilt December 22 2016, 22:28:44 UTC
Priestly slung his arm around her waist and attempted to rest his chin on her head. It didn't go well.

This was what happened when you had a tall girlfriend.

"Cheers." He raised his spiced rum. If anyone asked, it was fortifications for the hectic days ahead. Or, you know, he was clinging to it (and Dinah) for warmth. "When is the Glacian new year?"


glacial_queen December 22 2016, 22:33:15 UTC
Oh honestly, Priestly, it was perfectly warm in here!

"Two nights ago," Karla said, coming over to wrap her arms around the both of them. And grinning. Grinning so hard. They were still together, yay! "The longest night is our New Year's Eve. After that, the days get longer with the promise of spring."


blondecanary December 22 2016, 22:40:30 UTC
Dinah giggled and hugged Karla and Priestly at the same time, humming with happiness and rum. "I do like how Glacia's holidays are all based on nature stuff. It makes it easier to keep track, and it's just so... you." It all made sense in context. She perched her chin on Priestly's shoulder, which was a lot easier than trying for the top of his head. "And thus we get three parties!"


trigons_child December 23 2016, 01:18:24 UTC
Raven was there, of course, since, well, she lived there.

And she had a wee horde of children with her, running and giggling and occasionally getting exasperated smiles from their mother.


blondecanary December 23 2016, 05:29:50 UTC
"Oh my gosh, so many adorables," Dinah gushed, then offered Raven a hug. "Merry Christmas from New Gotham, and happy Winsol from me!"


trigons_child December 23 2016, 15:03:02 UTC
"Torben, slow down," Raven cautioned as one wee boy almost careened into the legs of a poor member of the Staff who was replenishing a platter of food.

Then she turned to Dinah and hugged her. "They are adorable," she agreed. "But exhausting at times. Do we have that much energy when we are small?"


blondecanary December 23 2016, 19:08:24 UTC
"I seem to remember Momoko and I on a sugar-fueled high, running around a playground and screaming just because we could," Dinah said, grinning, and squeezing her back. "You were tiny and solemn and sweet, I think. How many are there here? How is the orphanage going? God, it's been too long."


anarchist_queen December 23 2016, 21:54:47 UTC
Unable to attend in person due to very irritating reasons, Leda had to settle for calling her friend.

*ring ring* (or whatever ringtone you like)


glacial_queen December 23 2016, 22:39:06 UTC
"Leda!" Karla was in high spirits when she answered the phone. "Kiss kiss! Happy Winsol!"


anarchist_queen December 24 2016, 04:10:32 UTC
"Happy Winsol! How are you? How's the kids? Still kids?" Hey for all she knew there'd been another timey wimey slipee slidey.


glacial_queen December 25 2016, 22:19:30 UTC
"Well, Nyles and Cora are teenagers," Karla sighed. "Such teenagers, believe me. Nommy is almost two and Kayla is almost four! She's talking and walking and spending more time trying to fly than learning to read."


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