Fursuit bowling pictures

Apr 05, 2009 14:21

dragonof31102 organized a fursuit bowling get together last night. About 24 people showed up and we bowled for 2 hours. I had lots of fun hanging out, bowling, and socializing.

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furry, fursuit, bowling

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Comments 15

adorable cyanfox April 6 2009, 01:46:27 UTC


dragonof31102 April 6 2009, 03:18:42 UTC
YAY!! Pictures! I'll have mine up on Flickr soon. Very happy that you attended and I'm very happy that you had a fun time. ^_^


dracoprime April 6 2009, 22:01:37 UTC
Do I detect a couple of DI Migration Study tags in your photos? Did you make notes?


delphanaeous April 7 2009, 01:00:53 UTC
Ah, so it's a Dorsai thing. And here I was wondering why a wolf would be wearing dairy tags. I guess it's just my farm-boy roots showing through :)


dracoprime April 7 2009, 02:04:37 UTC
No, no. A Dorsai Thing is a completely different, uh, animal from a Dorsai Migration Study tag. And I don't think we've ever tagged any sort of bovine.


orionvw April 7 2009, 04:17:55 UTC
I grew up with tagged cows too, but I think its really neat to have migration tags on you....

I have one question: I notice the number 3-11 comes up a few times...curious as to why? Does it refer to Chaldean numerology?


giza April 7 2009, 13:33:40 UTC

What? Where?


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